[8] On 15 March 1942 the 3rd Paratroopers Infantry Regiment with the battalions VIII, IX, and X was raised in Tarquinia.[6]. Serie D, domani in campo 16 recuperi. [12] On 6 November, after having exhausted all its ammunition, the remainder of the Division surrendered. In 1938 Marshal of the Air Force Italo Balbo established the Camp-School for Paratrooper of the Libyan Troops under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Goffredo Tonini and stationed at the airport of Castel Benito near Tripoli. However, the four divisions attacking the Folgore positions in the south had also been given breakthrough objectives. They also used their 47mm Anti-tank guns from enfilade positions and Molotov cocktails to knock out advancing armor. I due gommoni corrono veloci sul fiume, sospinti dai potenti motori fuoribordo. [8], On 15 September the 185th Infantry Regiment "Folgore", which had remained in Italy, left the division and changed its name to 185th Infantry Regiment "Nembo" and became the basis for the 184th Infantry Division "Nembo" (Nemo Italian for Nimbus). [10][11] Operation Lightfoot, launched on 24 October 1942, was designed to break through the weak Italian-held southern sector of the Alamein line where the Bologna, Brescia, Pavia and Folgore Divisions anchored the right flank. Elementi del reparto costituirono il nucleo iniziale di una nuova formazione che assunse successivamente la denominazione di Primo reparto speciale autonomo e infine quella di squadrone da ricognizione “Folgore”, che operò, dal 6 ottobre 1943, alle dipendenze della Prima divisione canadese e in seguito del XIII corpo d’armata britannico. Before the departing for North Africa the 185th Infantry Regiment "Folgore" and 187th Infantry Regiment "Folgore" switched units: the 185th ceded the more experienced II and IV to 187th, which in turn ceded the VIII and X to the 185th. The history of the 185th Division "Folgore" spans from late 1930s, when its immediate ancestors were established, to 1945, when its immediate successor was disbanded. di Sandro Addario - lunedì, 23 Febbraio 2015 14:32 - Cronaca [2] By early 1940 an Italian paratroopers battalion was also established. The history of the 185th Division "Folgore" spans from late 1930s, when its immediate ancestors were established, to 1945, when its immediate successor was disbanded. On 27 July 1942 the division's name was changed to 185th Infantry Division "Folgore" and its regiments were renumbered and renamed as well. They also used their 47mm Anti-tank guns from enfilade positions and Molotov cocktails to knock out advancing armor. [4] The Division held back countless attacks from tanks with use of homemade incendiary's to usage of hand grenades and firing of the M28 grenade launchers at tanks. I Comandanti del Battaglione Logistico Paracadutisti “Folgore” (1975-2001) “Nella casa del giusto, anche coloro che esercitano un comando, non fanno in realtà altro che prestare servizio a coloro cui sembrano comandare: essi difatti non comandano per cupidigia di dominio, ma per dovere di fare del bene agli uomini, non per orgoglio di primeggiare, ma per amore di provvedere. [1], By 1939 there were two Libyan Paratroopers Battalions. 3. "Folgore" Centro Addestramento di Paracadutismo; 183° Reggimento Paracadutisti "Nembo" 186° Reggimento Paracadutisti "Folgore" 187° Reggimento Paracadutisti "Folgore" 185º Reggimento Artiglieria Paracadutisti "Folgore" Reggimento "Savoia Cavalleria" (3°) 8° Reggimento Genio Guastatori Paracadutisti "Folgore" Auto-transportable Infantry - North-African Type: This article is about the historic Italian 185th Paratroopers Division Folgore. Additionally the following soldiers of the division were awarded a Gold Medal of Military Valor during the Western Desert Campaign: On 25 September 1944 the Italian Co-Belligerent Army raised the Combat Group "Folgore" with soldiers and materiel from the disbanded 184th Paratroopers Division "Nembo". [6] When the division arrived in Africa the three artillery groups of the 185th Artillery Regiment "Folgore" were merged into two artillery groups of three batteries each, thus providing one group for each infantry regiment, which in turn could now provide one battery to each battalion of a regiment. pub. ... La maggior parte dei Soci della Sezione proviene dalle Unità e Reparti del Comando del 5° Corpo d'Armata/1° Comando Forze di Difesa i quali erano coordinati e gestiti logisticamente ed operativamente dallo "Stato Maggiore" di "Palazzo PICCIN" in via Celante, 58. On the same date the Paratroopers Division Artillery Regiment was activated. 1 National (i.e. The few survivors, who managed to withdraw, were reorganized into the 285th Formation Battalion and fought in Tunisia, where they surrendered to the Allies in 1943.[10][11][13]. The Folgore used everything at their disposal including letting the Allied soldiers advance into a "cul-de-sac" and then launching a counterattack from all sides. Direct and immediate origins of the 185th Paratroopers Division "Folgore" lie in the Paratroopers units formed in the wake of the breaking out of the World War Two. was issued 47/32 guns only, with only anti-tank tasks, and also that with serious limitations- but it was unapt for instance to provide a normal fire support, lacking the curved fire capability. Tenente Generale (ris) Mario Righele Nato a TRETTO (VI) il l6.01.1946, ha frequentato dal 1965 al 1967 l’Accademia Militare di MODENA e dal 1967 al 1969 la Scuola di Applicazione del Servizio Autom… E con simbologie che, secondo l'Anpi, ricorderebbero quelle di alcuni "reparti nazifascisti". ... Battaglione Logistico “Folgore” e reparti minori. [4] The new structure was as follows: The division was then sent to Italian Libya to bolster Axis forces in the Western Desert campaign. [6] The division was intended to be used in Operation Hercules – the planned Axis invasion of Malta. [6], In 1942 the division was further augmented: on 15 January the II Paratroopers Artillery Group was raised, followed by the III Paratroopers Artillery Group on 10 March. Fanteria aeromobile. Trae origine dal Reparto Comando e Trasmissioni Paracadutisti "Folgore" costituito il 1° gennaio 1976 per la Brigata. For the Italian Cold War mechanized division, see, Playfair I.S.O. (2004) [1st. [3] School personnel was drawn from the Air force, while personnel to instruct consisted of Royal Italian Army officers and sub-officers. [3] School personnel was drawn from the Air force, while personnel to instruct consisted of Royal Italian Army officers and sub-officers. The 185th Artillery, 186th Paratroopers and 187th Paratroopers regiments received a second Gold Medal for specific actions during the Second Battle of El Alamein. Il Macchi M.C.202 Folgore era un aereo monomotore, monoposto, monoplano ad ala bassa a sbalzo progettato dalla italiana Aeronautica Macchi e prodotto anche dalla Breda di Sesto S.Giovanni e dalla S.A.I. The regiment took command of the three paratroopers artillery groups, which each fielded two batteries with four 47/32 cannons per battery. Alle dipendenze del Comando delle Forze Operative Terrestri di Verona, ha nel suo organico diversi reparti dislocati principalmente in Toscana. "Un monumento non dedicato alla pace ma alla guerra". Ad ogni modo direi che la Folgore e' l'elite dei reparti base (non-fos), non certo della FFAA. La storia di El Alamein non la conosce quasi nessuno perché fino al ’43 è stata soffocata completamente. Reparti dipendenti: Comandanti: Decorato di ordine militare d’Italia, medaglia d’oro, tre medaglie d’argento e tre di bronzo al valor militare e una al valore dell’esercito. FOLGORE Folgore BLITZ Die Geschichte der "Folgore", italienische Fallschirmj ger, ist in zwei Teile zu betrachten. The 185th Artillery, 186th Paratroopers and 187th Paratroopers regiments received a second Gold Medal for specific actions during the Second Battle of El Alamein. On 30 April 1941 the Italian paratroopers were deployed for the first time when the II Paratroopers Battalion jumped onto Cephalonia. Parte Prima - Congedati Folgore. HMSO 1966], The Mediterranean and Middle East, Volume IV: The Destruction of the Axis Forces in Africa. Fanteria. The history of the 185th Division "Folgore" spans from late 1930s, when its immediate ancestors were established, to 1945, when its immediate successor was disbanded. The few survivors, who managed to withdraw, were reorganized into the 285th Formation Battalion and fought in Tunisia, where they surrendered to the Allies in 1943.[10][11][13]. Ambrosini - Passignano nel 1941-1943. [3] Two years later, in 1939, two Paratroopers Military School based in Tarquinia and in Viterbo were established. The Folgore used everything at their disposal including letting the Allied soldiers advance into a "cul-de-sac" and then launching a counterattack from all sides. [2], The 2-months[2] Instructors course began in March 1940. > alcuni anni fa, quindi ai reparti non dovresti trovare nulla. (PL), 2nd Cavalry Division Emanuele Filiberto Testa di Ferro, 3rd Cavalry Division Principe Amedeo Duca d'Aosta, 21st Infantry Division Granatieri di Sardegna, 22nd Infantry Division Cacciatori delle Alpi, 40th Infantry Division Cacciatori d'Africa, 65th Infantry Division Granatieri di Savoia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=185th_Paratroopers_Division_Folgore&oldid=993260393, Military units and formations established in 1941, Military units and formations disestablished in 1943, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Agli uomini della Folgore era stato ordinato di trattenere il nemico per 24 ore, invece hanno tenuto la posizione per ben 72 ore, distruggendo oltre 100 carri armati e veicoli nemici. HMSO 1966], The Mediterranean and Middle East, Volume IV: The Destruction of the Axis Forces in Africa. Questa possibilità di scegliere il proprio equipaggiamento ha qualche limitazione? To aid in the raising of the 183rd Infantry Regiment "Nembo" the 185th ceded its X Paratroopers Battalion to the 183rd and raised the XI Paratroopers Battalion in its stead. Auto-transportable Infantry - North-African Type: This article is about the historic Italian 185th Paratroopers Division Folgore. Il battaglione festeggia la battaglia di Sidi Bilal in Libia (20 settembre 1912) dove si guadagna la … Italian) Paratroopers Battalion: 300 troops, 4 Companies. Il capo di stato maggiore dell’Esercito, generale di corpo d’armata Claudio Graziano, ha completato oggi la sua visita ai reparti della brigata paracadutisti Folgore. Ci rispettano più all’estero che in Italia. Nove gare rinviate, di cui sei già rifissate il 9 dicembre Domani in campo ulteriori recuperi delle gare rinviate nelle scorse settimane, cala il numero di rinvi, col nuovo protocollo che favorirà la prosecuzione e conclusione della competizione. The regiment took command of the three paratroopers artillery groups, which each fielded two batteries with four 47/32 cannons per battery. Therefore, the battalions in the Paratroopers Brigade "Folgore" were given the names of the regiments of the former 185th Paratroopers Division "Folgore". Il sistema Breda Folgore è un cannone senza rinculo calibro 80 mm, sviluppato a partire dal 1974, adottato nel 1986 e prodotto in circa 800 esemplari Può impiegare due tipi di munizioni HEAT ed HE. School Command (the Commander was a senior officer of the Air force, the Deputy Commander a senior officer of the Army); 1st Paratroopers Infantry Regiment (raised 1 April 1941), 2nd Paratroopers Infantry Regiment (raised 1 September 1941), VIII Paratroopers Battalion (re-roled as Paratroopers Sapper unit in May 1942), Division Headquarters and Headquarters Company, II Paratroopers Battalion (from 185th Infantry Regiment "Nembo"), IV Paratroopers Battalion (from 185th Infantry Regiment "Nembo"), I Paratroopers Artillery Group (3x batteries with, III Paratroopers Artillery Group (3x batteries with 47/32 cannons), 7th Paratroopers Artillery Battery (47/32 cannons), 20th Mortar Company (81mm Model 35 mortars and M28 Mortars), 185th Mining and Explosives Engineers Company, Corporal Major Antonio ANDRIOLO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23 – November 4, 1942, First Lieutenant Roberto BANDINI, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–25, 1942, First Lieutenant Ferruccio BRANDI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, October 24, 1942, Second Lieutenant Pietro BRUNO 132d Transport Regiment, Private Giuseppe CAPPELLETTO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–25, 1942, Private Giacomo CESARONI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, October 29, 1942, Private Leandro FRANCHI, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, November 1942, Second Lieutenant Giovanni GAMBAUDO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–24, 1942, First Lieutenant Marco GOLA, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–24, 1942, Private Gerardo LUSTRISSIMI, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–25, 1942, Sergeant Major Dario PIRLONE, 185th Artillery Regiment, October 24, 1942, Sergeant Nicola PISTILLO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–25, 1942, Corporal Major Dario PONZECCHI, 185th Paratroopers Regiment, October 26, 1942, Captain Costantino RUSPOLI, Prince of Poggio Suasa, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, October 26–27, 1942, Captain Gastone SIMONI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–27, 1942, Sergeant Major Mario GIARETTO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, August 8, 1942, Second Lieutenant Omero LUCCHI, Folgore Division Artillery, August 31 – September 4, 1942, Sapper Clinio MISSERVILLE, 185th Assault Sapper Company, September 10, 1942, Major Aurelio ROSSI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, August 20 – September 3, 1942, Captain Fabio RUGIADI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, August 30, 1942, Lieutenant Colonel Carlo Marescotti RUSPOLI, Prince of Poggio Suasa, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, First Lieutenant Giovanni STARACE, Folgore Division, July - November, 1942, Second Lieutenant Giovanni STASSI, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, August 25 – September 2, 1942, This page was last edited on 9 December 2020, at 17:33. [4] The division initially was organized as follows: For reasons of order of precedence the title I Paratroopers Battalion was reserved for the I Carabinieri Paratroopers Battalion. However, all that was achieved at a high casualty rate was a small salient, which was soon recaptured. [2], After quarrels,[2] in 1937 paratroopers schools were assigned by law to the Regia Aeronautica. [1], By 1939 there were two Libyan Paratroopers Battalions. To aid in the raising of the 183rd Infantry Regiment "Nembo" the 185th ceded its X Paratroopers Battalion to the 183rd and raised the XI Paratroopers Battalion in its stead. La fine della guerra e la resa tedesca 73 8. [14] At the end of the battle of El Alamein, Harry Zinder of Time magazine noted that the Italians paratroopers fought better than had been expected, and commented that: "In the south, the famed Folgore Paratroopers Division fought to the last round of ammunition". Gli inglesi arrivarono a selezionare una speciale unità denominata “anti-folgore” per poterla fronteggiare! Additionally a seventh battery was formed with surplus materiel found by the division during its transfer to the front. The main Allied effort during the battle was in the northern part of the Axis line. [15] With a few survivors and some replacement, the 285º Battaglione Paracadutisti "Folgore", a battaillon-size unit commandeered by Captain Lombardini, was formed, and participated to the defense of the Mareth Line in Tunisia in mid 1943, particularly at the Battle of Takrouna, where it was destroyed. Durante la visita, il comandante della grande unità, generale di brigata Massimo Mingiardi, ha illustrato le principali attività addestrative ed operative in cui è impegnato il proprio […] On 1 September 1941 the Royal Italian Army raised the 1st Paratroopers Division in Tarquinia. School Command (the Commander was a senior officer of the Air force, the Deputy Commander a senior officer of the Army); 1st Paratroopers Infantry Regiment (raised 1 April 1941), 2nd Paratroopers Infantry Regiment (raised 1 September 1941), VIII Paratroopers Battalion (re-roled as Paratroopers Sapper unit in May 1942), Division Headquarters and Headquarters Company, II Paratroopers Battalion (from 185th Infantry Regiment "Nembo"), IV Paratroopers Battalion (from 185th Infantry Regiment "Nembo"), I Paratroopers Artillery Group (3x batteries with, III Paratroopers Artillery Group (3x batteries with 47/32 cannons), 7th Paratroopers Artillery Battery (47/32 cannons), 20th Mortar Company (81mm Model 35 mortars and M28 Mortars), 185th Mining and Explosives Engineers Company, Corporal Major Antonio ANDRIOLO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23 – November 4, 1942, First Lieutenant Roberto BANDINI, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–25, 1942, First Lieutenant Ferruccio BRANDI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, October 24, 1942, Second Lieutenant Pietro BRUNO 132d Transport Regiment, Private Giuseppe CAPPELLETTO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–25, 1942, Private Giacomo CESARONI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, October 29, 1942, Private Leandro FRANCHI, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, November 1942, Second Lieutenant Giovanni GAMBAUDO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–24, 1942, First Lieutenant Marco GOLA, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–24, 1942, Private Gerardo LUSTRISSIMI, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–25, 1942, Sergeant Major Dario PIRLONE, 185th Artillery Regiment, October 24, 1942, Sergeant Nicola PISTILLO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–25, 1942, Corporal Major Dario PONZECCHI, 185th Paratroopers Regiment, October 26, 1942, Captain Costantino RUSPOLI, Prince of Poggio Suasa, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, October 26–27, 1942, Captain Gastone SIMONI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–27, 1942, Sergeant Major Mario GIARETTO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, August 8, 1942, Second Lieutenant Omero LUCCHI, Folgore Division Artillery, August 31 – September 4, 1942, Sapper Clinio MISSERVILLE, 185th Assault Sapper Company, September 10, 1942, Major Aurelio ROSSI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, August 20 – September 3, 1942, Captain Fabio RUGIADI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, August 30, 1942, Lieutenant Colonel Carlo Marescotti RUSPOLI, Prince of Poggio Suasa, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, First Lieutenant Giovanni STARACE, Folgore Division, July - November, 1942, Second Lieutenant Giovanni STASSI, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, August 25 – September 2, 1942, This page was last edited on 9 December 2020, at 17:33.