At the end of the Messinian the ocean broke through the sill and the Mediterranean refilled. Les systèmes d'alarme s'étant activés immédiatement, les pompiers, les services de la protection civile et l'ARPA (Agence Régionale pour la Protection de l'Environnement) posent des obstacles pour éviter le déversement du pétrole dans le Pô. Dans plusieurs langues européennes, surtout slaves (tchèque, slovaque, polonais, slovène, serbe, croate) et aussi en roumain, le fleuve est encore aujourd'hui appelé Pad. [16], In 2009 the water board began its Integrated River Basin Management Plan to meet the European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive, 2000/60/EC. The name has been segmented as Bod-encus or Bod-incus, the suffix being characteristic of the ancient Ligurian language of northern Italy, southern France, Corsica and elsewhere.[21]. [2], Always prone to fog, the valley is subject to heavy smog due to industrial atmospheric emissions, especially from Turin. Il fiume Po. Le Bassin du Pô s'étend aussi en partie en Suisse et sur de faibles[évasif] surfaces en Fr… Sewage went through channels directly into the Po, for which the European Environment Agency cited the city. Architecture; Nature; Dimension Longueur Hauteur Mp; s: 500 px: 333 px: 0.5: m: 1000 px: 666 px: 2: l: 2000 px: 1331 px: 8: xl: 4087 px : 2720 px: 15: Vous n'êtes pas connecté ! Collection L'Arpenteur. Selon la WWF, le marée noire pouvait potentiellement atteindre la mer Adriatique le 1er mars avec des conséquences dévastatrices pour le fragile écosystème du delta. Cycles of transgression and regression are detectable in the valley and the Adriatic as far as its centre and in the southern Adriatic. Nel 2017 la rivista “Il Giorno” pubblica un articolo dal titolo: “Un piranha pescato nel Fiume Po a Casalmaggiore: vittima degli abbandoni estivi”. Specie d’acqua dolce autoctone e para-autoctone 15.1 Specie estinte (EX) Le due specie ittiche che oggi possono, purtroppo, considerarsi estinte dall’interno bacino del Fiume Po, nonché dal nostro Paese, sono i due storioni: Acipenser sturio (storione comune) e Huso huso (Storione ladano). del fiume po a) la sorgente b) la foce c) un affluente 10) quale parte d'italia attraversa il fiume po? C'est parti ! In 1999 the park was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and was added to "Ferrara, City of the Renaissance, and its Po Delta. Cette marée noire a duré 5 jours selon la WWF et il n'est pas exclu qu'une partie du pétrole ait atteint la mer Adriatique. [1], The vast valley around the Po is called the Po Basin or Po Valley (Italian Pianura Padana or Val Padana); in time it became the main industrial area of the country. In the subsequent Pliocene sedimentary outwash primarily from the Apennines filled the valley and the central Adriatic generally to a depth of 1,000 m (3,300 ft) to 2,000 m (6,600 ft) but from 2,000 m (6,600 ft) to 3,000 m (9,800 ft) off the current mouth of the Po, with pockets as deep as 6,000 m (20,000 ft). Il couvre une grande partie de la plaine du Pô, région la plus riche d'Italie. Au début du XVIIe siècle, les doges, inquiets de l'ensablement de leur lagune, firent dévier le cours du Pô vers le sud-est. The diversion channel was at first called the Po di Ficarolo. [9] Human factors, however, brought about a change in the equilibrium in the mid-20th century with the result that the entire coastline of the northern Adriatic is now degrading. a) salata b) salata o dolce c) dolce 13) dove sfocia il fiume po? – le char de son père à travers la voûte céleste…. Consequently, over half its length is controlled with argini, levees.[1]. Currently it is a decentralized institution of the Ministry of Public Works, headed by a chairman appointed by the Head of State and the Council of Ministers. Le batelier se servait également d’une grande perche pour pousser, lui-même marchant de long de la barque de l'avant à l'arrière. Le nom latin Padus provient selon l'hypothèse la plus probable de la même racine. From the Pleistocene alternation of maritime and alluvial sediments occur as far west as Piacenza. Cette opération fut une réussite et la majeure partie du pétrole fut retenue. These can be found on the Mont Cenis and Mongenevre passes. "Il fiume Po" descrive lo scorrere dell'acqua, la capacità della stessa di mutare e trasformare il territorio. The Po, along with other rivers in northern Italy, was the scene of numerous military episodes throughout the Middle Ages and all the major cities and coastal lordships were equipped with real river fleets. Before 1152 the seaward extension of today's delta, about 12 km (7.5 mi), did not exist. Dans la nuit du 22 au 23 février, trois cuves remplies de pétrole de l'usine désaffectée Lombarda Petroli à Villasanta près de Monza furent sabotées. Blog che parla del Fiume Po, delle sue storie, della sua gente. [1] They include (R on the right bank, L on the left, looking downstream): The Reno (R) was a tributary of the Po until the middle of the eighteenth century when the course was diverted to lessen the risk of devastating floods. Verona a 40 minuti. It is characterized by its large discharge (several rivers over 1,000 km have a discharge inferior or equal to the Po). Au fil du temps, le trafic s'intensifia, intéressant également le Tessin, le Mincio, l'Adda et tout le réseau de canaux artificiels construits entre le Moyen Âge et aujourd’hui. It is a river that flows eastward across northern Italy starting from the Cottian Alps. Typically in geologic history the depression is filled with sea water under various geologic names such as Tethys Sea. Eutrophication in standing waters and streams of low flow is on the increase. Malgré les efforts fournis toute la nuit, la marée noire atteint le Pô près de Plaisance le 24 février en fin de matinée. Sophie Cassagnes-Brouquet, Bernard Doumerc. Les barques de différents types (bucentaure, gabare, rascone, magàne, barbotte, burchi), variaient de par leurs dimensions mais avaient toutes la proue relevée et un fond plat qui leur permettait de naviguer sur des hauts fonds. [13], On February 24, 2010 the Po was contaminated by an oil spill coming from a refinery in Villasanta through the Lambro, the Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata news agency has estimated it to be about 600,000 liters.[14][15]. The main products of the farms around the river are cereals including – unusually for Europe – rice, which requires heavy irrigation. Il ritrovamento risale al 14 agosto, quando viene guadinato un pesce dalle sembianze esotiche, strano e mai visto prima nel Po. The Adriatic transgressed into all of northern Italy. 1 chambre. The former exits at Bonelli. An advance began after the Last Glacial Maximum around 20,000 years ago, which brought the Adriatic to a high point at about 5500 years ago. The subsequent town of Taglio di Po grew around the diversionary works. The expansive, moist and fertile flood plain is reserved mainly for agriculture and is subject to flash floods, even though the overall quantity of water is lower than in the past and lower than demand. Executive authority resided in an assembly of the presidents of the provinces, the mayors of the comuni and the board of directors. The Po is the longest river in Italy. Il existe des services actifs de navigation commerciale de Crémone à la mer (292 kilomètres). Le bassin du Pô héberge seize millions d'habitants. Le bassin du Pô intéresse 3 200 communes et sept régions : Piémont, Vallée d'Aoste, Ligurie, Lombardie, Vénétie, Émilie-Romagne et la Province autonome de Trente. Below Taglio di Po the Parco Regionale Veneto, one of the tracts under the authority of the Parco Delta del Po, contains the latest branches of the Po. Their intent was to stop the gradual migration of the Po toward the lagoon of Venice, which would have filled up with sediment had contact been made. Enfin, les effets du pétrole sur l'écosystème du Pô furent moindres que ceux subis par le Lambro où le pétrole s'est directement déversé. Herodotus had expressed doubt concerning the existence of a river in Europe, Eridanos, which flowed into the northern sea, he said, from which amber came. Lista Rossa dei pesci d'acqua dolce nativi del Fiume Po. A minute section of the Po basin belongs to France in the Valle Etroite (literally, the Narrow Valley) running from Mont Thabor to the Italian ski resort of Bardonecchia. 183/89 was passed authorizing The Po Basin Water Board (Autorità di bacino del fiume Po), which would direct operations concerning all the water resources in the Po basin (see under Po Valley). Rubriques. The entire region from Ravenna to Chioggia was dense swamps, explaining why the Via Aemilia was constructed between Rimini and Piacenza and did not begin further north. The headwaters of the Po are a spring seeping from a stony hillside at Pian del Re, a flat place at the head of the Val Po under the northwest face of Monviso. It is connected to Milan through a net of channels called navigli, which Leonardo da Vinci helped design. The two main economic uses of the valley are for industry and for agriculture, both major uses. [11], The city of Milan had no sewage treatment plant(s). Au Moyen Âge, le Pô devint l'une des principales routes commerciales entre Venise et les villes du nord de l'Italie. At the start of the Pleistocene the valley was full. The former contains a reservoir dammed at the Po end and so technically constitutes part of its basin, although it contributes little to the water flow as the water is, by definition, retained by the dam. 10 K J’aime. Altre quattro nella seconda metà dell'800. Museo Naturalistico del Fiume Po, Revello : trouver les hôtels 23 locations de vacances et hôtels vous y attendent. Actuellement, le Pô est navigable sur 389 km depuis le débouché du Tessin jusqu'à la mer. Le 24 février 2010 est survenue la plus grande catastrophe écologique de l'histoire du fleuve. For the river in the U.S. state of Virginia, see, "Italy's Po River Punished for centuries by destructive floods, northern Italians stubbornly embrace their nation's longest river, which nurtures rice fields, vineyards, fisheries—and legends",, "Facing Water Challenges in the Po River Basin, Italy:A WWDR3 Case Study", "Il quadro del sistema idrico del comune di Milano", "The impact of an oil spill on organs of bream Abramis brama in the Po River", "Elements of Good Practice in Integrated River Basin Management: A Practical Resource for implementing the EU Water Framework Directive", "Flooding on the Po River, Italy, as imaged by RADARSAT-1", "Ferrara, City of the Renaissance, and its Po Delta",, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from April 2010, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles containing Ligurian (Ancient)-language text, Articles containing Italian-language text, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 November 2020, at 21:20. At Tolle downstream the Po di Venezia divides into the Po delle Tolle to the south and the Po della Pila to the north. The Po then extends along the 45th … Pliny points out that in his own time the Eridanos had become wrongly identified with the Padus. Obtenir un bon. Le Pô, en italien Po (prononcé : [pɔ]), en latin Padus, est le plus important fleuve italien tant par sa longueur, 652 kilomètres, par son débit maximum, 10 000 m3/s à Pontelagoscuro, une localité sur le territoire de la commune de Ferrare, que par son bassin hydrographique qui couvre 71 057 km2, soit le quart du territoire national de l'Italie. Le specie storicamente più caratteristiche sono il luccio, la carpa, la tinca, il persico sole e il pesce gatto.Naturalmente tanta varietà ittica ha dato vita a moltissime ricette a base di pesce, sia per il periodo invernale, sia per quello estivo. The fossil Po is the region of no longer active channels from the Po to the sea. He does not know when or how, but like Herodotus he blames the poets. The Tanaro is about 50 km (31 mi) longer than the upper Po at their confluence near Alessandria. The Po is the longest river in Italy; at its widest point its width is 503 m (1,650 ft). Noté /5: Achetez I pesci del bacino del Po de Delmastro, Giovanni: ISBN: 9788870640632 sur, des millions de livres livrés chez vous en 1 jour The Po then extends along the 45th parallel north before ending at a delta projecting into the Adriatic Sea near Venice. 14 jan 2020. mardi. Sotto la pressione delle alterazioni ambientali e dell’invasione delle specie esotiche, buona parte delle specie native del Fiume Po versa attualmente in uno stato di vera e propria minaccia di scomparsa locale, i cui effetti, peraltro, potrebbero anche rivelarsi devastanti nel caso di specie endemiche. [18], At the village of Isola Serafini in the comune of Monticelli d'Ongina, Piacenza Province, 40 km (25 mi) downstream from Piacenza, a 362 m (1,188 ft) long, 20 m (66 ft) high gate dam featuring eleven 30 m (98 ft) openings gated by vertical lift gates, crosses the Po. The rate of coastal zone progradation between 1000 BC and 1200 AD was 4 m/yr. a) italia settentrionale b) italia centrale c) italia meridionale 11) quale tra questi fiumi È il piÙ lungo d'italia? As a result of its characteristics, the river is subject to heavy flooding. The Po (/poʊ/ POH, Italian: [ˈpɔ]; Latin: Padus or Ēridanus; Ancient Greek: Πάδος, romanized: Pádos, or Ἠριδανός, Ēridanós; Ancient Ligurian: Bodincus or Bodencus) is the longest river in Italy. I PESCI DEL PO 15. The latter method is the chief consumer of surface water, while industrial and human consumption use underground water. They rely for power on the numerous hydroelectric stations in or on the flanks of the Alps, and on the coal/oil power stations which use the water of the Po basin as coolant. L'Eco del Po- Racconti dal Grande Fiume. Near the end of its course, it creates a wide delta (with hundreds of small channels and five main ones, called Po di Maestra, Po della Pila, Po delle Tolle, Po di Gnocca and Po di Goro) at the southern part of which is Comacchio, an area famous for eels. [2] The slope of the Po's river valley decreases from 0.35% in the west to 0.14% in the east, a low gradient. San Daniele Po (Cr), una vecchia chiavica, presso la campagna sottostante l'argine del fiume Po. The Mediterranean Basin is a depression in the Earth's crust caused by the African Plate slipping under the Eurasian Plate. A spillway to the right passes through a hydroelectric station of 4 generators of 76 MW each operated by a 3.5–11 m (11–36 ft) head of water. Its domain is the management and protection of the water system in Veneto, Mantua, Trento, Bolzano and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Il Po torna navigabile dopo 5 anni e 47 milioni di euro completata la costruzione di una delle conche più grandi d’europa. This mythical river is the namesake of the constellation Eridanus. ... Pesce Piranha pescato nel Fiume PO - Duration: 1:08. Piacenza - Piena del fiume Po - Acheter cette photo libre de droit et découvrir des images similaires sur Adobe Stock Les Ligures l'appellent Bodinkòs, nom provenant d'une racine indo-européenne (*bhedh-/*bhodh-) qui signifie creuser[réf. Afin d'éviter ces extrémités, la task force constituée des pompiers, de la sécurité civile, du corps forestier d'État et d'ingénieurs de l'ARPA, posa le long du Pô un matériau absorbant de cent mètres de long pour retenir le pétrole. The word Bodincus appears in the place name Bodincomagus, a Ligurian town on the right bank of the Po downstream from today's Turin. Paris, 2008. It made all the decisions concerning the diversion of the lower river. Restaurants près de Museo della Seconda Guerra Mondiale del Fiume Po sur Tripadvisor : consultez 4 avis et 122 photos de voyageurs pour connaître les meilleures tables près de Museo della Seconda Guerra Mondiale del Fiume Po à Felonica, Province of Mantua. C'est un élément névralgique de l'économie italienne qui représente 40 % du PIB du pays, 37 % de l'industrie, 46 % des emplois, 55 % des productions animales, 35 % de la production agricole, et 48 % de la consommation d'électricité. and Ravenna. The Fiume Po before then followed the Po di Volano, no longer connected to the Po, which ran to the south of Ferrara and exited near Volano. Meilleures offres du jour. Plusieurs affrontements militaires ont également eu lieu le long du Pô entre les villes et les seigneurs de la région[1]. a) salata b) salata o dolce c) dolce 13) dove sfocia il fiume po? It considers itself a synergy among all the institutions concerned with the preservation and development of the Po basin. It is a river that flows eastward across northern Italy starting from the Cottian Alps. [1] Since 2005, all sewage from Milan is treated in plants at Nosedo, San Rocco and Peschiera Borromeo. Valle Etroite is so remote it is essentially administered by Italy (telephone network, rubbish collections etc.). The average flow at the dam is 854 m3/s, with a 12,800 m3/s maximum.[19]. Le Pô prend sa source à Pian del Re sur le territoire de la commune de Crissolo au pied du Monte Viso, à 2 022 mètres d'altitude, dans les Alpes occidentales du Piémont, et se jette dans la mer Adriatique, en formant un vaste delta de 380 km2 débutant à proximité de Ferrare, où le Pô se divise en trois branches : Le Pô principale (au nord de Ferrare), depuis Ferrare en Pô de Volano et Po di Primaro (ou Primaro ou Po morto di Primaro), pour former le Delta du Pô. Bizzarro e stupefecente: era un piranha rosso di circa 560 grammi! Le Pô est parfois identifié à l'Éridan de la mythologie grecque, fleuve où Phaéton, fils d'Hélios (le Soleil) et de Clymène, fut précipité par Zeus alors qu'il conduisait – en causant nombre de dégâts ! 10 % de réduction. Anche la pesca è mutata e si progressivamente adattata ai nuovi ospiti del Po … Il Po è il più importante fiume italiano. Le Pô (en italien : Po, /pɔ/ ; en latin : Padus) est le plus important fleuve italien tant par sa longueur, 652 kilomètres, par son débit maximum, 10 000 m3/s à Pontelagoscuro, une localité sur le territoire de la commune de Ferrare, que par son bassin hydrographique qui couvre 71 057 km2, soit le quart du territoire national de l'Italie. Expire dans 1 semaine ! The lock of Volta Grimana blocked the old channel, now the Po di Levante, which flows to the Adriatic through Porto Levante.[6]. Dans les veines ce fleuve d'argent. 122) also gives the Ligurian name of the Po as Bodincus, which he translates as "bottomless". Date d'édition : 18.. Sujet : Frontières Sujet : Pô (cours d'eau) Sujet : Venise, République de -- Environs Type : carte Type : image fixe Langue : italien Format : 1 carte ; 51 x 166 cm Suite du texte Format : image/jpeg Suite du texte Format : I pesci che vivono nel Po sono davvero tanti e hanno sempre rappresentato una fonte di guadagno importante. Si possono scorgere sulla sinistra e sulla destra alberi della golena ed il contrasto tra giorno e notte definiti dalla Luna a sinistra e dal Sole rappresentato sulla destra dell'opera. Réduction supplémentaire de 10 % en plus d'offres renversantes à Tokyo . 1:08. Until 1989 water resources were administered regionally or locally. In Roman times it did not exit there but ran to the south as the Padus Vetus ("old Po") exiting near Comacchio, from which split the Po di Primaro exiting close to Ravenna.[7]. Most part of the delta is still in Veneto. Drainage from the north is mediated through several large, scenic lakes. As a result of decreased flow salt water is intruding into the aquifers and coastal ground water. The Po valley was the territory of Roman Cisalpine Gaul, divided into Cispadane Gaul (south of the Po) and Transpadane Gaul (north of the Po). La descente était dans de nombreux cas problématique et, pour maintenir la route, il était fréquent en plus des rames et du timon de laisser traîner des chaînes sur le fond de la rivière. Perhaps the earliest of these, Polybius[20] (2nd century BC), uses Pados (in Greek) and says that it was to be identified with the Eridanos of the poets. The causes are first a decrease in the sedimentation rate due to the locking of sediment behind hydroelectric dams and the deliberate excavation of sand from rivers for industrial purposes. Le Pô principal se subdivise en cinq bras secondaires : Son débit moyen à l'embouchure est de 1 560 m3/s. (The southern two thirds of Lake Maggiore and the southern half of the continuing Ticino River tributary are in Italian territory). Between 2009 and 2015 the Po Valley Project (the implementation of the plan) took more than 60 measures, notably to: heighten and strengthen levees, increase flood-meadows, resume natural sediment transport and deposition points, enlarge wetlands, afforest, re-nature, promote biodiversity and recreational use. 10 % de réduction. Their orogeny was just being completed in the Miocene. In 2002, more than 16 million people lived there, at the time nearly ⅓ of the population of Italy.[1]. The Po Delta wetlands have been protected by the institution of two regional parks in the regions in which it is situated: Veneto and Emilia-Romagna. 15 jan 2020. mercredi. a) adda b) po c) tevere 12) i fiumi hanno acqua dolce o salata? [10] The valley is subsiding due to the removal of ground water. The latter divides again at Pila into the Busa di Tramontana to the north and the Busa di Scirocco to the south, while the mainstream, the Busa Dritta, enters Punta Maistra and exits finally past Pila lighthouse. [22] He believed it was a Greek name (there are other Eridanos rivers in Greece), "invented by some poet," but makes no conjectures as to where it might be. The Po di Gnocca branches to the south followed by the Po di Maestra to the north at Porto Tolle. La fauna ittica del fiume è radicalmente mutata nel corso degli anni e oggi è composta quasi esclusivamente da pesci alloctoni fra i quali spicca il barbo europeo che, insieme alla carpa, costituisce lo zoccolo duro dei grandi ciprinidi grufolatori del fiume. a) italia settentrionale b) italia centrale c) italia meridionale 11) quale tra questi fiumi È il piÙ lungo d'italia? Depuis l'Antiquité on rejoignait le cœur de la Lombardie, emportant les personnes et les marchandises. Le fleuve fut parcouru dans les deux sens par des embarcations de plus en plus nombreuses et importantes en dimension. Expressing surprise at the ignorance of the poets, Pliny says "There can be no doubt that amber is the product of the islands of the northern ocean (Baltic Sea)" and attributes its introduction into the Po valley to the Veneti, the last link in a trade route to the north through Pannonia and Germany. [8], Since then the Po delta had been prograding. Dario Franceschini. On the southwest the Apennine Mountains bordered a land mass termed Tyrrhenis geologically. This implies that a "country" population either remained from prehistoric times or adopted the name in use by that substrate. Created by law in 1988, it was managed by a consortium, the Consorzio per la gestione del Parco, to which Ferrara and Ravenna provinces belong as well as nine comuni: Comacchio, Argenta, Ostellato, Goro, Mesola, Codigoro, Ravenna, Alfonsine, and Cervia. Pour la remontée du fleuve, en plus des voiles, on utilisait des attelages de chevaux, d’ânes, de bœufs et même d’hommes. sabbia granita del fiume po #25_kg_sack #acqua #agua #areia #arena #bags_dental #bases_para_pavimentos #baumaterial #betoniera #betÃo_hidrÁulico_cal #bianco_e_verde #blanco_y_verde #branco_e_verde #building #building_materials #building_plants #building_site #cantiere_edile #cascalho #cement_mixer #ciment #construction #ditta_bacchi … The spillway connects to a diversionary canal subtending a 12 km (7.5 mi) loop of the Po. Hôtels près de Museo Naturalistico del Fiume Po, Revello: consultez 3 596 avis de voyageurs, 659 photos, les meilleures offres et comparez les prix de 194 hôtels à Revello sur Tripadvisor. The root bod- has been generally analyzed as containing the PIE base *bhu(n)d(h)- seen in Sanskrit budhnah and Avestan buna- "bottom", Greek pythmen "foundation", Latin fundus "bottom", Old Irish bond "sole of the foot". On the north the Alpine Orogeny had already created the Alps. This article is about the Italian river. The exact sequences at various locations have been studied extensively. Des millions de litres de pétrole et d'hydrocarbures se déversèrent dans le Pô via le Lambro, un de ses affluents[3]. The active delta was created in 1604 when the city of Venice diverted the main stream, the Po grande or Po di Venezia, from its channel north of Porto Viro to the south of Porto Viro in a channel then called the Taglio di Porto Viro, "Porto Viro cut-off". Tanta imponenza e portata per un nome corto, umile e modesto, si chiama Po. Its headquarters are in Venice. 2 adultes. Nine gates are 6.5 m (21 ft) high and two are 8 m (26 ft) high for sediment-scouring purposes. Pliny the Elder has the most to say about the Padus of his times. In 1989 in response to the major geologic problems that were developing along the river Law no. The major authority on the lower Po was the Magistrato alle Acque di Venezia, first formed in the 16th-century Republic of Venice. Based on these figures, cocaine consumption was estimated to be about 4 kg daily, or 27 doses per day per thousand young adults in the drainage basin – nearly three times higher than estimated. nécessaire] de Padus. The Po is first certainly identified in the Graeco-Roman historians and geographers of the late Roman Republic and the early Roman Empire, long after the valley had been occupied successively by prehistoric and historic peoples: Ligures, Etruscans, Celts, Veneti, Umbri, and Romans. These treat the sewage from over 2.5 million inhabitants. The headwaters of the Po are a spring seeping from a stony hillside at Pian del Re, a flat place at the head of the Val Po under the northwest face of Monviso. [17] This takes in water management and flood risk plans antecedent. Finalement, le nom actuel Pô dérive d'une contraction[réf. Selon les estimations, ce sont 2 000 à 3 000 m3 de polluants qui se sont d'abord déversés dans le Lambro et ont pris la direction du Pô. Nat., iii. The Po is often identified with the Eridanos or Eridanus river of Greek mythology. At that time the Po Valley and the Adriatic depression were a single canyon system thousands of feet deep. Further minuscule parts of the Po's basin (measurable in the hundreds of metres of linear distance) within France are found in the form of small streamheads forced into France by the 1947 post war Peace Treaty of Paris as a punitive measure against Italy. "[3] From 2012 the park is managed by the Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità - Delta del Po, composed by the comuni of Alfonsine, Argenta, Cervia, Codigoro, Comacchio, Goro, Mesola, Ostellato PESCI E PESCATORI: LA PESCA DEL SILURO NEL PO by CATFISHING WORLD - Duration: 8:24. [2]Almost all of the rest of the non-Italy basin is in the Italian speaking Ticino (Tessin) canton in Switzerland, and the outlying extreme south western section (again, Italian speaking) of Grigioni (Graubunden) canton lying to the south of the San Bernardino pass which forms the Po's watershed with the Posterior Rhine. Liste des affluents et sous-affluents du Pô, Liste de fleuves dans le monde classés par continents,ô&oldid=176615974, Accessibilité : Graphique timeline sans alternative, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à la géographie, Portail:Lacs et cours d'eau/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Moreover, the country people call it Bodencus. À la Renaissance, le fleuve est un lien entre les seigneuries installées le long de son cours, comme Mantoue et Ferrare, un moyen de transport, une source de profits, mais aussi une ligne de défense face aux puissants voisins de ces seigneuries qui lui doivent une position stratégique essentielle dans le contexte militaire et diplomatique de l'Italie de l'époque[2]. Carta del corso del Fiume Po e della Laguna di Venezia Éditeur : [s.n.][s.n.] Pliny (Hist. FIUME PO: PIRANHA ROSSO. [4]. The river flows through many important Italian cities, including Turin, Piacenza and Ferrara. The major tributary in question is the northern source half of the eponymous Ticino river (fed by its Moesa tributary in Grigioni) and the top third of the Alpine lake, Maggiore, formed by it. In 1907 under the Kingdom of Italy the agency became the Magistrato alle Acque and took responsibility for all the water resources in northeastern Italy. Despite the park administration's definition of the active delta as beginning at Porto Viro, there is another active channel upstream from it at Santa Maria in Punta, where the Fiume Po divides into the Po di Goro and the Po di Venezia.