EER (Enerji Verimlilik Oranı) = Evaporatör soğutma kapasitesi (kW) / Harcanan Toplam Enerji (kW) EER Değerinin Hesaplanması. Oznacza to, że te urządzenia w pierwszym rzędzie są przeznaczone do ogrzewania (patrz rys. According to the AHRI standards, the IPLV value is calculated by the following formula. The definition is very close to EER, but the units are different. All rights reserved 2015-2018. Ze duiden de verhouding van verwarming of koeling door een unit aan ten opzichte van de hoeveelheid elektriciteit die nodig is om deze te genereren. Estos pueden ser climatizadoras, enfriadoras, bombas de calor, los Split, etc. COP can be used to define the cooling efficiency for a cooling system - or the heating efficiency for a heat pump system. COP (Coefficient Of Performance): coeficiente de eficiencia energética en modo calefacción.Es el cociente entre la potencia de calefacción y … Units may be air-cooled or liquid cooled. Seit der Einführung der Energieeti-kette für Klimageräte, wurden die EER durch effizienter gebaute Ge-räte bereits verbessert. Dit is het makkelijkste uit te leggen aan de hand van een voorbeeld. Different units are used in this ratio.Efficiency calculations for cooling systems should be calculated not only at full load but also at partial loads. The higher the multiple, the greater the energy efficiency of the system. Example 1: 3. Thus, if an air conditioner generates 5kW of heat from a 1kW electrical input, its COP is said to be 5.0. La diferencia básica entre el EER-COP y el SEER-SCOP es que estos últimos son estacionales. COP (Heating Efficiency Coefficient) = Condenser Heating Capacity (kW) / Total Energy Expended (kW) Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) The Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) is the ratio of the cooling capacity (kW) achieved in the evaporator to the total electrical energy (kW) consumed by the appliance in … 2019-10-18T12:53:17+01:00 18 octobre, 2019 | Partagez ce contenu ! Rys. Acronimi. Basit ifade ile bir koyup birden fazla alma sanatıdır. • Ethylene glycol evaporator inlet temperature = – 1 ° C Какво е cop, eer, scop ,seer. A system with a COP of 2.1 delivers 2.1 units of output for every 1.0 unit of input. • Ethylene glycol evaporator outlet temperature = – 4.5 ° C They are used as the basis for determining the star rating of an air conditioner. Wassertemperaturen werden die jeweiligen EER-Werte ermittelt. Annual or seasonal fuel use efficiency refers to annual or seasonal fuel efficiency of heating appliances. If the working conditions in practice are continuously variable, COP and EER are constantly changing in the values.Therefore, these values ​​are instantaneous values. The EER value is used for cooling purposes only. De COP zegt iets over het verbruik van een warmtepomp, hoe het hoger het getal, hoe minder elektriciteit de warmtepomp verbruikt. When buying an air conditioner, look for a model with a high efficiency. These indexes are the natural evolution of the COP and EER indexes, with a fundamental difference. Central air conditioners are rated according to their COP, SEER, and EER. 3. Il représente la performance énergétique de la pompe à chaleur fonctionnant en mode rafraîchissement > Calcul EER = énergie utile ou chaleur absorbée à l'évaporateur/énergie fournie au compresseur). In other words, 1 cop (coefficient of performance) is 4 times bigger than a eer. It should be noted that measuring instruments comply with calibrated standards. Then equality can be written as, EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) = Evaporator Cooling Capacity (kW) / Total Energy Expended (kW). It is often a term used to determine the heating efficiency of heat pumps . Questi indici possiamo rintracciarli sul manuale del condizionatore o sull’ etichetta energetica, ormai d’obbligo per qualsiasi elettrodomestic… Mientras que en el EER y el COP se mide la potencia con unas determinadas condiciones ambientales, pero a plena carga; en el SEER y en el SCOP se mide e Bestimmt wird er bei folgenden Messbedingungen: Table 2.4 gives partial load ratios of chillers according to Eurovent standards. Oznacza to, że klasyfikacja EER została zastąpiona ESEER, przy czym istnieje 7 klas wydajności od … Quando si considera l'efficienza di condizionatori d'aria e pompe di calore, si dovrebbe considerare EER, il rapporto di efficienza energetica e SEER, il rating di efficienza energetica stagionale. In describing these concepts, instantaneous and seasonal work of unit difference system was considered. Only refrigerants authorised in EU are considered. De termen COP (prestatiecoëfficiënt) en EER (energie-efficiëntieverhouding) beschrijven het verwarm- en koelrendement van airconditioners. In US : EER y COP: dos viejos amigos. Qu'est ce que le SEER : définition et formule . Power generator, genset, diesel or gaz generator : calculation of consumption, energy and power. • Fluid flux = 0.07 kg / s COP ratings range from 1.5 to 4 and performance is dependent upon where geographically they are installed. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. COP und EER gehören zu Recht bald der Vergangenheit an. COP measures how many times more efficient the heat pump is than electric resistance heat with an efficiency of 100%. Bei einem Klimagerät misst man den EER normgemäß bei 27 °C Innentemperatur und 35 °C Außentemperatur. According to Eurovent standards, ESEER (European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio);(European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rate). Der COP-Wert ist ein gutes Vergleichskriterium für die Energieeffizienz und Wirtschaftlichkeit von Wärmepumpen Hersteller. where T hot is the hot summer temperature outside and T cold is the cold temperature that we want the air conditioner to provide inside our house. 2. A partir del 50% disminuye = Total Cooling = Capacidad frío = Potencia consumida Ejemplo: 8 HP Combination(%) Outdoorair temp°CDB Indoorairtemp. Values ​​a, b, c and d in the table indicate the loading rates (working capacity) in% of the chiller. Then from equation 16, the COP is 2.3. Todo esto hace pensar que el EER y el COP no se pueden considerar completamente fiables a la hora de conocer la eficiencia de un equipo, por ello se han dejado de utilizar y ahora tenemos el SEER y SCOP., Hydropower, hydroelectricity online calculation, Power, voltage, current calculator, 1-phase or 3 phase. COP-Wert einer Wärmepumpe: Grundlage für die BAFA-Förderung. In the US, the DoE specifies the minimum values for HSPF as shown in table 3. The expansion valve must measure the inlet temperature (liquid fluid), the evaporator outlet temperature (fluid saturated steam or hot steam), the fluid flow (fluid line before the expansion valve), and the total energy the system has consumed ( compressor , condenser fan, evaporator fan, etc.). Yazar. 1. On a power basis, the SEER ratio relates the cooling power of the air conditioner (in BTU per hour) to the electrical power consumption (in Watts). It’s a fairly simple formula that connects COP with EER. 2 kg buzu 0 dereceden 100 dereceye getirmek için gereken enerji miktarı nedir? Das „S“ davor steht für „saisonal“. Maar toch kan de COP een vertekend beeld geven, zeker bij een luchtwarmtepomp, omdat de omstandigheden alles bepalend zijn. COP (coefficient of performance) = BTUh output ÷ BTUh of Energy Input In other words COP is the same as EER but you convert the input to BTUh from watts by multiplying watts by 3.413. Capiamo a questo punto cheun condizionatore che ha un SEER di 8 sarà migliore di uno con SEER di 7. It is calculated with the same indoor temperature, but over a range of outside temperatures Since ESEER or IPVL values ​​indicate the efficiency of the devices at partial loads, it is an important value when comparing the devices in terms of efficiency during purchase. For this purpose, the average ESEER or IPLV values ​​are tried to be calculated according to the performance values ​​of chillers at 75%, 50% and 25% capacities. ESEER / IPLV ¿Siempre aumenta el EER cuando disminuye el régimen? COP sta per Coefficient of Performance. Sie geben das Verhältnis von Wärme oder Kühlung an, die von einem Gerät bereitgestellt wird, bezogen auf die Menge der Stromaufnahme, die erforderlich ist, um die Leistung zu erzeugen. De termen COP (prestatiecoëfficiënt) en EER (energie-efficiëntieverhouding) beschrijven het verwarm- en koelrendement van airconditioners. ESEER = 0.03xEERa + 0.33xEERb + 0.41xEERc + 0.23xEERd, Table 2.4 Chiller partial load ratios according to Eurovent standards. In a beer cooling system ethylene glycol is used as the secondary fluid. EER/COP and ESEER) published according to EN 14511:3-2011 and those certified during the previous campaigns (calculated according to EN 14511:3-2007 with exception of heat exchanger pressure drop & wa-ter pump efficiency) can be observed. Dieser Wert wird, wie der COP-Wert (Heizbetrieb), unter gleichen Messbedingungen (35 °C Außenlufttemperatur und 27 °C Innenlufttemperatur). (408,6-249,6) / 3,8 = 11,13 / 3,8 = 2,92. 比率定义为热泵的循环性能系数cop定义:在正常的供冷期间,空调器在特定地区的总制冷量与总耗电量之比。考虑了稳态效率,也考虑了变化的环境和开关损失因素,是一个较为合理的评价指标。 首页; 冷冻冷藏; 空气能; 中央空调; 供热采暖; 制冷电器; 广告. needed to provide a specific cooling output. Er sagt aus, in welchem Verhältnis Wärmeleistung, gemessen in kW, und Stromverbrauch des Wärmepumpen-Aggregats unter realen Bedingungen stehen. EER : COP : SEER : Efficiency of cooling and heating systems : When buying an air conditioner, look for a model with a high efficiency. Die Leistungszahl (abgekürzt LZ), bekannt auch unter den englischen Bezeichnungen Energy Efficiency Ratio (kurz EER, ) für mechanische Kälteanlagen bzw. For Heat Pump : The COP is also an instantaneous measurement in that the units are power which can be measured at one point in time. SEER and SCOP measure annual energy consumption and efficiency in typical day-to-day use. • Total power drawn by the device = 3.8 kW, Solution 1: In the longer term, they take into account temperature fluctuations and standby periods to give a clear and reliable indication of the typical energy efficiency over an entire heating or cooling season. Wartości ESEER zawarte są w przedziale od 2,38 do 4,98, przy czym jedenaście najgorszych urządzeń ma wysoką wartość COP, leżącą znacznie wyżej niż EER, który jest wyższy niż ESEER. Im Gegensatz zu früher wird heute die Energieeffizienz nicht nur an einem extremen Punkt gemessen, sondern mit einer realistischen Verteilung und Gewichtung über den gesamten Jahresverlauf (daher „saisonal”). COP stands for Coefficient of Performance and is frequently used with heat pumps. The higher the ratio is, the more efficient is the system. An ihre Stelle treten SCOP und SEER, die nicht nur eine breitere Beurteilungsbasis bieten, sondern auch den Teillastbetrieb von Inverter-Kompressoren und damit den Stand der Technik für diese Maßzahlen berücksichtigen. The following values ​​were obtained in the measurements made. The outside temperature is 95F (T hot = 308K) and we want to cool down to 80F (T cold = 300K). COP ratings range from 1.5 to 4 and performance is dependent upon where geographically they are installed. Mientras que en el EER y el COP se mide la potencia con unas determinadas condiciones ambientales, pero a plena carga; en el SEER y en el SCOP se mide el rendimiento energético estacional teniendo en cuenta entre otras las condiciones eurovent siguientes: Evaporator outlet temperature = 10 ° C steam (R-22 saturated steam table, h2 = 408,6 kJ / kg), EER = Q ev / Q totlam = m. (H2-h1) / Qt = 0,07. ESEER und ESCOP bieten eine ähnliche Basis – aber ausschließlich für Kaltwassererzeuger. The energy efficiency ratio (EER) of a particular cooling device is the ratio of output cooling energy (in BTU/hr) to input electrical energy (in Watts) at a given operating point. Bei den Berechnungen und Ergebnissen handelt es sich durchweg um das gleiche Gerät! Früher hießen diese Kennzahlen EER (= Kühlbetrieb) oder COP (= Heizbetrieb). Ze duiden de verhouding van verwarming of koeling door een unit aan ten opzichte van de hoeveelheid elektriciteit die nodig is om deze te genereren. Performance coefficient; is the ratio of the output energy to the input energy. EER = 3.41 x COP. There is no allowance for different climates in this rating, which is intended Expresses the seasonal or annual productivity of chillers for cooling purposes. COP = HSPF*.293 *Simplified** COP = -.026*HSPF 2 + 0.624*HSPF *Detailed **Multiplier of .293 varies by Climate : Share this Tool. Cooling - COPis defined as the ratio of of the heat rem… Det kan du få svar på i denne artikel, som dykker ned i terminologien for, hvordan man måler et køle- eller varmepumpeanlægs energieffektivitet. Here’s the formula to calculate it for yourself, EER = .875 x SEER. Hvor SEER-værdien viser kølevirkningsgraden for en varmepumpe over et år, er EER-værdien et øjebliksbillede baseret på en enkelt prøvning ved en specifik temperatur. According to European Eurovent standards, ESEER value is calculated according to the following formula. The law was changed in January 2006 and the table lists the old and new standards. The COP is dimensionless because the input power and output power are measured in Watt. Sie ist abzugrenzen von dem Wärmeverhältnis β für thermische Wärmepumpen bzw. to give an indication of how the EER is affected by a range of outside temperatures over the course of a cooling season. 4) L'INDICE DI EFFICIENZA ENERGETICA (EER) DEI CLIMATIZZATORI L' Indice di Efficienza Energetica (EER) è utilizzato per esprimere il rendimento di condizionatori d'aria o pompe di calore nella fase di raffrescamento. SCOP. Twitter LinkedIn Whatsapp Email. Por tanto la diferencia básica entre el EER-COP y el SEER-SCOP es que estos últimos son estacionales (seasonal). SCOP er en forkortelse for seasonal coefficient of performance. What is COP : definition and formula COP stands for cop (coefficient of performance)s and EER stands for eers. EER e COP: cosa sono? si tratta di quanta energia frigorifera un condizionatore produce per 1 Kwh di energia elettrica assorbito. beschreibt das Verhältnis zwischen Leistungsaufnahme und abgegebener Kälteleistung. Classification of energy consumption of heating and cooling devices is determined by COP and EER values. Calculate the EER of the device. O nível de consumo energético depende da relação entre a quantidade de frio ou calor obtida e a energia eléctrica consumida. These values ​​are the result of test and measurements made under certain conditions. Por tanto la diferencia básica entre el EER-COP y el SEER-SCOP es que estos últimos son estacionales (seasonal). According to the measurement results below, we have the EER value of the air-cooled split air conditioner working with the R-22. Let’s say we have a really hot summer. EER is generally calculated using a 95 °F outside temp and an inside (actually return air) temp of 80 °F and 50% relative humidity. Die Energieeffizienz von Kälte-, Klima-und Wärmepumpensystemen wird aufgrund der Leistungszahlen (COP-Wert, EER-Wert, ESEER-Wert) beurteilt. Hvad er SCOP, COP, SEER og EER, og hvad bruges værdierne til? The energy rate of the heat pump’s BTU seasonal heating value (BTU / Wh). The Coefficient of Performance - COP - is the basic parameter used to report efficiency of refrigerant based systems. spanning 5 °F (2.8 °C). Een SCOP is daarom al nauwkeuriger, omdat dit een gewogen gemiddelde is van een heel jaar. If, in fact, the previous indexes included punctual values, calculating the machine at a given condition, these new ones try instead to determine with a single value the level of efficiency of a machine considering a one year time span. This equation is especially useful when we want to determine the Coefficient Of Performance for HVAC devices that use EER as a primary energy-efficient metric. 1. Central air conditioners are rated Тя описва ефективността на системите, така … • TXV or capillary inlet temperature = 40 ° C They may operate with any type of compressor (hermetic, semi-hermetic and open) but only electrically driven chillers are included. The higher the ratio is, the more efficient is the system. Relationship of SEER to EER and COP. • Specific heat of ethylene glycol = 9.78 kJ / kg ° C, EER = Qevap / Qtoplam = m. c. (T2-T1) / Qt = 3,5 * 9,78 * (-1 – (-4,5)) / 40 = 119,8 / 40 = 2,99, Calculation of Chillers’ Partial Overhead Yield. EER è la quantità di energia … der IPLV (Integrated Part Load Value) nach ARI Standard 550/590 wird wie folgt ermittelt: ESEER/IPLV = A x EER 100% + B x EER 75% + C x EER 50% + D x EER 25% This programme applies to standard chillers and hydronic heat pumps (technically named 2-pipe units) used for heating, air conditioning and refrigeration. Der ESEER (European Seasonal Energy Effiziency Ratio) nach Eurovent bzw. a = indicates EER value at 100% capacity, b = EER value at 75% capacity, c = EER value at 50% capacity, and d = EER at 25% capacity.ESEER value is formulated according to European working conditions and IPLV is formulated according to US working conditions. EER-Werte werden unter standardisierten Bedingungen gemessen, d. h. bei gegebenen Werten der Temperaturen und der Luftfeuchtigkeit und mit Volllast, d. h. maximaler Kälteleistung. Dicho esto, los parámetros que realmente aplican en países como Colombia donde no hay estaciones climáticas, son el EER-COP. Dabei geht gemäß Tabelle die verringerte Kühllast einher mit einer geringer werdenden Luft … SEER = Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, this ratio is also used to indicates the relative amount of energy Diese ergeben, multipliziert mit den jeweils zugehörigen prozentualen Gewichtungsfaktoren, den ESEER-Wert . Allgemein werden Leistungszahlen als Verhältnis aus Nutzen und Aufwand definiert. The ratio of the cooling capacity (kW) you have achieved during a season to the total electrical energy (kW) consumed by the refrigeration devices at the same time. Wärmeleistung zur eingesetzten elektrischen Leistung. S sta per “seasonal” ovvero dall’ inglese stagione, perchè viene fatta una media. EER = Energy Efficiency Ratio, ratio utilisé pour évaluer le rendement d'un climatiseur. EER = Output cooling in BTUh / input electrical energy in Wh SCOP er en parameter, der viser, hvor effektiv en varmepumpe er til at levere varme set over et helt år. COP y EER. They are used as the basis for determining the star rating of an air conditioner. Welcome to Energy Models Tools. Eurovent also advocates for the adoption of the same EER er en værdi, der anvendes i forbindelse med køling, og det viser, hvor godt et klimaanlæg virker. The European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (ESEER) is a weighted formula, which takes into account the variation of system COP, as applied to a chiller, with the load rate and the variation of air or water inlet condenser temperature. The terms SEER, EER and COP are used to define the efficiency of an air conditioning system. The same issue in that it is snapshot of performance or based on only one set of operating conditions. As with COP, EER, and SEER, the higher the number of HSPF the greater the efficiency. 4. Room air conditioners, for example, are the ones that can be compared based on the use of EER ratings. Since 2013 the ErP directive set SEER and SCOP. It is a simple phrase to put in one and get more than one. Definition 3: COP, coefficient of performance: COP is defined as the cooling load, in kW, to power input at the compressor, in kW. SCOP sta per Seasonal Coefficient of Performance. β 0 für thermische Kälteanlagen, welches sich n… As a measure only the efficiency of the fuel is taken into account. ESEER. Differenze. SEER is very similar to the “coefficient of performance” commonly used in thermodynamics, except COP is a unit-less parameter. Desde hace bastantes años todos los equipos bomba de calor vienen etiquetados con estos dos parámetros: el EER y el COP. COP measures how many times more efficient the heat pump is than electric resistance heat with an efficiency of 100%. They indicate the ratio of heating or cooling provided by a unit relative to the amount of electrical input required to generate it. 能效比eer:在规定工况下,制冷量与总的输入功率之比。它通常用来衡量半封闭、全封闭制冷压缩机和空调机的性能。 根据以上解释,cop和eer都用于表征制冷机的制冷性能,且同一制冷压缩机cop值要大于eer值。 说法三:cop既表示制冷,也可表示制热 Die Leistungszahl ε (abgekürzt LZ), bekannt auch unter den englischen Bezeichnungen Energy Efficiency Ratio (kurz EER, ε K A ) für mechanische Kälteanlagen bzw. Note that for cooling system it is better to use EER coefficient. Der EER-Wert ist der Wert zwischen Leistungsaufnahme (Stromverbrauch) und Leistungsabgabe (Kühlleistung) beim Kühlbetrieb. Consider a simple electric heater. COP (Heating Efficiency Coefficient) = Condenser Heating Capacity (kW) / Total Energy Expended (kW), The Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) is the ratio of the cooling capacity (kW) achieved in the evaporator to the total electrical energy (kW) consumed by the appliance in a refrigerator. Starting with COP: EER = COP*3.413: KW/TON = 12/COP/3.413 = 3.516/COP: How to convert HSPF to COP. But this value is taken as 1% for America (IPLV) conditions. Reverse cycle liquid chillers shall be certified in cooling and heating mode. L’ESEER est la somme de quatre valeurs basées sur un EER à puissance partielle : ESEER = 0,03 EERA (à 100 % de charge) + 0.33 EERB (75 % de charge) + 0.41.EERC (50 % de charge) + 0.23.EERD (25 % de charge). AFUE is a concept used to determine annual or seasonal energy efficiency of heating appliances such as boilers and boilers. (To convert SEER to COP, multiply by 0.293 or (1055/3600). NO!!! EER = COP * 3.41, EER = Energy Efficiency Ratio, ratio used to evaluate efficiency of cooling systems. EER - Em inglês "Energy Efficiency Ratio", é o "Índice de Eficiência de Energia". • Evaporator outlet temperature = 10 ° C En consecuencia, AFEC propondrá a IDAE unos valores mínimos de EER y COP, por familias de productos , que representen un porcentaje relativamente reducido del mercado y en consecuencia, pudieran ser etiquetados con el citado logo marca. Sus significados son los siguientes: EER: Potencia frigorífica / Potencia eléctrica consumida en refrigeración tesisat - 15 Mayıs 2017. For once, output exceed input. They are important indicators of how much energy an A/C uses, and are a good way to gauge what products will best reduce energy usage in your home. Heizzahl[1] (englisch Coefficient of Performance, kurz COP, ε W P ) für mechanische Wärmepumpen, ist das Verhältnis von erzeugter Kälte- bzw. TXV or capillary inlet temperature = 40 ° C liquid (R-22 saturated steam table, h1 = 249,6 kJ / kg) Als een airconditioner dus 5kW warmte genereert met 1kW elektriciteit, dan is de COP 5.0. Likewise, in Europe (ESEER), it assumes that the water-cooled chiller with a condenser water inlet temperature of 22 ° C is capable of 41% of the total operating time per year, or 50% of the total operating time. EER = COP * 3.41 Qu'est ce que le EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio): définition et formule. 3). The energy efficiency ratio (EER) of a particular cooling device is the ratio of output cooling energy (in BTU/hr) to input electrical energy (in Watts) at a given operating point. EER is generally calculated using a 95 °F outside temp and an inside (actually return air) temp of 80 °F and 50% relative humidity. Die Definitionen müssen daher bei Beurteilung und Vergleich unterschieden werden. 1. Energy efficiency is the value obtained by dividing the energy obtained by the energy used to obtain this energy. EER vs SEER . ... Für reine Kaltwassererzeuger gibt es auch die Angabe des ESEER für European SEER. In order to calculate the EER in practice, the following measurements must be made. The terms COP (coefficient of performance) and EER (energy efficiency ratio) describe the heating and cooling efficiency of air conditioners. ESEER (Eurovent Standard 6-C003-2006) obowiązuje od czerwca 2006 wszystkich wytwórców agregatów wody lodowej, którzy poddają swoje wyroby certyfikacji Eurovent. Table 2.5 gives partial load ratios of chillers according to AHRI standards. EER von 4,06. The COP is therefore a measurement of efficiency; the higher the number, the more efficient the system is. Heating-only hydronic heat pumps can be certified as an … EER e COP: cosa sono? Heizzahl (englisch Coefficient of Performance, kurz COP,) für mechanische Wärmepumpen, ist das Verhältnis von erzeugter Kälte- bzw.Wärmeleistung zur eingesetzten elektrischen Leistung. For example, Assume a system has an HSPF of 8. ASHRAE Climate Zones by zip code or city. EER: Kälteleistungszahl COP: Leistungszahl für Heizbetrieb Die EER-Vergleichszahlen dienen bei Klimageräten bis zu 12 kW Käl-teleistung zur Einteilung in die Energieeffizenzklassen A bis G, mit entsprechender Energieetikette. O zaman eşitlik şu şekilde yazılabilir. This logic is used in the calculation of the energy efficiency of air conditioning, cooling and heating appliances. SEER von 6,38. Isıtma ve soğutma cihazlarının enerji tüketiminin sınıflandırılması COP ve EER değerleri ile belirlenmektedir. An die Stelle der Leistungszahlen COP und EER treten SCOP und SEER, die nicht nur eine breitere Beurteilungsbasis bieten, sondern auch den Teillastbetrieb von Inverter-Kompressoren und damit den Stand der Technik für diese Maßzahlen berücksichtigen. EER = 3.41 × COP. Estos índices están presentes en equipos anteriores a 2013 e indican el rendimiento del aire acondicionado o de la bomba de calor. Laissez-nous un message Annuler la réponse.