You have to have a licence to drive a car. Una volta scelto l'esercizio di vostro interesse sarà sufficiente cliccarci sopra per poterlo svolgere; l'esercizio scelto si aprirà in una nuova finestra del vostro browser mantenendo questa pagina intatta. mustn't; You _____ pass a test to ride a bicycle. Going to (futuro) 11. 2. Which is best: don't have to or mustn't? 8. Quando dobbiamo usare must al passato, dobbiamo sostituirlo con HAD TO. 4. 5 If you want to visit China, you _____ get a passport. You listen to your mum's piece of advice. Must / Mustn't / Needn't / Have to 12-13. It’s a secret. 1 You ... brush your teeth before going to bed. She is ill , so she see the doctor. Isn’t this the same? Can Could Be able to Potere: Can/could or be able to, manage to May Might Be allowed to May or Can Dovere. Use the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 2 The concert starts at 9 o’clock. YOU _ _ _ DO THAT NOW, YOU CAN DO IT TOMORROW. We use this to talk about thinks we need to avoid doing. "Must" viene usato anche per dare un suggerimento sentito: You must tell him before it's too late. have to, don't have to, must, mustn't (1). YOU _ _ _ SPEAK ALOUD DURING THE LESSONS. However, the negatives—mustn’t and don’t have to—are completely different. 4. n.2737 **** Scrivi domande con il verbo CAN e risposte brevi positive o negative in base ai suggerimenti tra parentesi. 2 You skip school, it’s bad for your education. Online quiz to test your understanding of HAVE TO and MUST in English. It’s 8.15 and school star ts at 8.00. oppure My do ctor says that I have got to stop drinking alcohol. Students know them. 5 My teacher wear a uniform. Do you think you ___ finish that work by Monday? 5-6-7 Mustn't vs Don't Have to Exercises 1 / 2 / 3 8-9-10 Must vs Have to / Has to Exercises 1 / 2 / 3 11. 3. Choose the right answer.1)If you want to work in the USA you ___ speak good English.2)You ___ give someone a clock as a present.3)You are ill. You ___ go to school today.4)You ___ remember to feed the dog.5)You ___ say anything stupid if you want to keep your job.6)Tomorrow is Sunday! 5-6-7 Mustn't vs Don't Have to Exercises 1 / 2 / 3 8-9-10 Must vs Have to / Has to Exercises 1 / 2 / 3 11. 1. Modals with “Not” 2 - Must not, Do not have to For each space, decide whether "don't have to" or "mustn't" is best, then type in the correct form. You leave now. The teacher told us that we have to study for at least 2 hours every night. Present continuous 3. You shout. Past perfect continuous 9. Task No. -- 3 You ... play football at home. I know that I must study more if I want to the pass the exam next week. 7. You can put your shoes and coat over there. In this sentence, we can see that I don’t think it is a good idea to drink too much beer at the party and want to avoid doing it. 3 You _____ tell Tracy. don't have to ? For ESL learners. The opposite is ‘must not’ or ‘mustn’t’. You be a great chef to do it. grammatica chiara ed esercizi con le relative soluzioni in formato pdf, mobi e epub. The museum rules say that you take photos. This is an emergency exit. 1723. First, break some eggs into a bowl. 1. Con gli avverbi di frequenza come: always , often , sometimes , never , etc., normalmente si usa “ have to ” invece di “ must ”. I mustn't do more exercise. 1. You eat fruit and vegetables. Past Simple 6. He eat so many sweets. Break them carefully. I don't believe you – it can't be true. -- 2 You ... let your dog out every day. Ieri ho dovuto andare all’ospedale HAVE TO: indica un obbligo proveniente dall’esterno, che non dipende dalla volontà di chi parla We have to wear a uniform at our school. Esercizio 28: completa le frasi con MUSTN'T oppure DON'T HAVE TO. We use can't to say we are sure that something is impossible. “Have got to ” è usato in discorso informale. She study this evening. Esercizi supplementari (con risposte) 1. YOU _ _ _ GIVE ME A LIFT. You can't leave your bike there. Type the correct answer into the box. > I sometimes have to work on weekends. 3 You got up so late. Mother to son: 1 You be at schoo l at this time. Maybe the cat just switch off it. This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. I must call the electrician and get that light fixed. don't have to ? Should exercises. Use contractions where possible. 3. Present perfect simple or Past simple 4. The lamp _____ be broken. -- 7 You ... go out when you are ill. -- 8 You ... remember your best friend’s birthday. esercizi verbi modali must or can't 1 - tutto inglese - Imparare l'inglese gratis on line ... Futuro con il present simple Futuro riepilogo Altre forme di futuro Futuro progressivo future perfect simple future perfect continuous verbi modali. 01 Must should mustn't shouldn't rules 02 must exercises English exercises 03 must word order examples 04 must exercises exercises:must 05 must modal verbsexamples. will be able; can; could ; 2. Present simple 2. For example ‘I mustn’t drink too much beer at this party’. In / at / on 13. Making an Omelette Making an omelette is easy. ? You _____ be late. Esercizio 22: completa le frasi con MUSTN'T oppure NEEDN'T. I often get ill. 7. passato di must: last year must to got up early every day. Example . 7. Master the difference with Lingolia then put your knowledge to the test in the free exercises. You mustn't worry about me. Present perfect continuous or Present perfect simple 5. We just talked about must and have to. 10. This might be because of my important meeting with my boss. Tag questions 15. 2. 9. 06 should modal verbs exercise 07 should modal auxiliaries word order 08 should modal auxiliaries word order 09 should modal auxiliaries word order 10 mustn´t or … It's also against the rules. I have to do more exercise. 2. 3. ? You tell anybody. I often get ill. I often get ill. You must not use a calculator during the exam. mustn't; You _____ unplug the computer while it is turned on. Show all questions <= => You _____ smoke in a gas station. 4. The baby is sleeping. Mustn’t and Don’t Have To. Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa e negativa di have to. Past continuous 7. I must do more exercise. Prima di procedere con l'esercizio rivedi la lezione relativa al verbo MUST (dovere). Must or should Must exercises. Write the appropriate word. Must • Have to • Mustn't • Don't Have to • Must e Have to nelle forme affermative e interrogative sono usati per parlare di obblighi e responsabilità. Fill in the blanks with MUST or MUSTN’T. You mustn't be late for work on your first day. WE _ _ _ WAIT OUTSIDE, WE CAN GO … I'll be fine. Comparativo e superlativo 14. 6. You throw litter on the stairs. YOU _ _ _ WATER THE … 4 These are the rules. If I wanted to do wrong, I _____ . 4. SHOULD , MUST, HAVE TO ... should, shouldn't, should have, shouldn't have , don't have to, doesn't have to, must, mustn't, must have. This is an interactive online exercise about the modal verbs DON'T HAVE TO and MUSTN'T. INGLESE - verbi MODALI CAN COULD. Fill in must or mustn't.Choose from the drop down menu and form sentences you might hear from your parents and teachers. Type all of your answers and then click on "Check answers". In questa pagina trovate 243 ESERCIZI on line interattivi sui verbi modali inglesi ordinati in 8 grandi gruppi numerati. Esercizi; Vocabolario; MUSTN'T o DON'T. don't have to ? Past perfect simple 8. Modals with “Not” 1 - Must not, Do not have to Choose the best modal for each sentence. However, the negative forms mustn’t and don’t have to have very different uses. WE _ _ _ FORGET TO BOOK THE FLIGHT IN ADVANCE. We hurry or we will miss the bus. I don’t have to do my homework today. Use contractions where possible. She can't be so ill – I saw her playing volleyball yesterday. I'LL WALK TO THE STATION. I _____ study for it. 1. 2 It’s late. Modals With Passive Voice 1 / 2 14. You leave the bicycles here. You be quiet in the library. 5. Contiene inoltre 18 ore di registrazioni audio del testo integrale in formato mp3. You be seventeen years ols to drive a car in great Britain. may; might; might not; 4. scegli la frase corretta. -- 6 You ... chew gums in class. 1 My grandmother isn’t very well. 6 She has a French test tomorrow. ? Prima di procedere con l'esercizio rivedi le lezioni sui verbi modali MUST e NEED. It is raining. Prezzo DVD € 35 Download € 29 Corso Superiore Units 31-40 Il Corso Superiore contiene 450 pagine in formato pdf, e 10 ore di registrazioni audio in formato mp3 del testo integrale. What do you have to do and what are you not allowed to do? 1. Here are some basic instructions: 1. Modals With Passive Voice 1 / 2 14. last year I must to get up early every day. 4 I have an English test tomorrow. A volte possono essere usati in modo intercambiabile, ma la regola generale che li contraddistigue è: Must è usato per parlare di obblighi personali in modo simile a should, ma più forte. They must be very rich – look at their big house! es: Yesterday I HAD TO GO to the hospital. YOU _ _ _ SMOKE, IT'S BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH. Have / have got 12. Esempio: use your mobile phone during a lesson(no) > Can you use your mobile phone during a lesson? I _____ go and see her. Nota > My doctor says that I have to stop drinking alcohol. Verbi modali caratteristiche Potere . ESERCIZI DI RECUPERO Modal verbs: must / mustn’t, can / can’t 1 Completa le frasi con must / mustn’t. Completa le frasi con MUST o MUSTN'T. Will (futuro) 10. He's getting really fat. 8. you cant' park here,it's forbidden . -- 5 You ... do your homework. 3 She starts work at 7 a.m. She get up early. What about mustn’t and don’t have to? Must Anche "must" viene usato per parlare di obblighi e viene usato per istruzioni e regole scritte: You must submit your proposal by noon on 12th July. 2. 2. Esercizi; Vocabolario; MUSTN'T o NEEDN'T. You don't have to have a licence to cycle on the roads. Napoleone Bonaparte could not; can't; be able to; 3. Both Must and have to express obligation or necessity, but there are some small differences: • Must expresses the speaker's feelings, whereas have to expresses, above all, an impersonal idea: You must … 4 You take a bus, I’ll drive you to school. May, might, could: probability in the present: Structure: modal verb + verb infinitive without ‘to’ may be, might do, could go, etc. You be friendly to everybody. last year I had to get up early every day. SHOULD - SHOULDN'T / MUST - MUSTN'T Gap-fill exercise. Completa le frasi con must ( ) o mustn’t ( ). You take your umbrella. Look at these examples to see how can, can't, must, mustn't, have to and don’t have to are used. This is a secret. YOU _ _ _ DRINK WHEN YOU'RE DRIVING. Not at all. esercizi must have to esercizi can could be able to esercizi may e might will : esercizi esercizi would . must or mustn't, Online Exercises - Learning English. 5. -- 4 You ... be rude to your grandparents. FREE ENGLISH EXERCISES, EXAM PREPARATION, LISTENINGS, MP3 LESSONS & … 6. Must / Mustn't / Needn't / Have to 12-13. You make noise in the library. Complete the sentences. Look at two sentences: Visitors must not touch the paintings. Must and have to aren’t exactly the same, but they are quite similar. 1 I have no school tomorrow. 3. must - mustn't / have to - don't have to 1 2 will / going to 1 2: should - shouldn't / must - mustn't 1 2 futures (will, going to, present continuous & present simple) 1 …