Draghi: Italy needs creative destruction! : 50K adverse cases, 18 killed each week by Pfizer Vaccine, Russo to Schneider: We must believe Benedict, when he says he is still the pope, Bergoglio just admitted Benedict is still the Pope, Pope St. Pius X foresaw Pope Benedict XVI as the true Pope until his death, Third Italian Medical professional takes Pfizer Vaccine & drops dead, Benedict's End Game is to save the Church from Freemasonry, Greta Thunberg explosed as Rothschilds' Schill, Those who reject Benedict have no Bishop with a canonical argument, Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines use dangerous Lipid Nanoparticles. He speaks of a “fraternal understanding between the two…already discussed for some time by the two present popes whose equality” would have been “recognized for some time in terms of thought, but not in such a formal and substantial way.” But what is he referring to? But perhaps “Cardinal Scalfari” has heard something. An Investigation into Alleged Manipulation at the Extraordinary Synod on the Family (Ignatius Press, 2015). Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Ed è di nuovo sul set, stavolta con Alessandro Siani, per il film del prossimo Natale, Content Il riscatto inglese con le prime vaccinazioni, Content La nostra redazione compie venti anni. Hey Catholics in VA, IN, MO, RI, CT, NM, AZ, NE, ND! Abbiamo antenati in comune con gli animali ma poi siamo diventati altro. Ribelliamoci! Ecco gli incipit dei loro interventi che troverete nel libro "Repubblica Bologna Quarant'anni", Content Cosa nasconde il nuovo terremoto che ha investito le finanze del Vaticano e illuminato la corruzione della Curia, Il Premiolino BMW SpecialMente è stato assegnato allo chef Massimo Bottura. Join Br. For the first time in Centuries: Disputed Questions, live from Bagnoregio! Original Title: Antonio Socci: “Cardinal” Scalfari “Reveals” that Benedict XVI is the Still Pope. For Benedict XVI the greatest tragedy of the present time is the cancellation of God, while for Bergoglio it is the climate….What could be more divergent…, Scalfari’s emphasis, however, is curious: Benedict XVI has “resigned from his former functions, but he is still the holder of his theoretical functions that will last as long as his life will allow him.”. L’Italia sta fallendo e gli Italiani stano morendo! ( Log Out /  Don't follow the fakes! Grazie alla distanza dalla curia vaticana, Un libro di Toni Ricciardi, Generoso Picone e Luigi Fiorentino ricostruisce la più grande catastrofe dell'Italia repubblicana: il sisma che sconvolse il Mezzogiorno nel novembre 1980 fece esplodere la questione settentrionale favorendo l'affermarsi della Lega, Il volume è in edicola da lunedì 26 ottobre, con grandi firme e fotografie d'epoca. Si è spento a 80 anni per un malore, Il compleanno il 5 gennaio, da poco sulle piattaforme insieme a Boldi con 'In vacanza su Marte', l'attore ricorda le tappe di una lunga carriera fatta di gavetta, grandi registi e incontri fortunati. ( Log Out /  You are blind if you do not see why…, In 7 Minutes, the Italian President brings Democracy to an end in Italy, Forensic Study demonstrates that the pandemic is a SCAM, Draghi, to cancel Italian sovereignty before Italians take it back, Is Benedict still the Pope? Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The BigSecret is out: There will be Annual Covid Vaccines FOREVER! National Terrorism Alert: No one is more afraid of thieves than a thief! Fu il primo a dirigere le pagine culturali di “Repubblica”. Antonio Socci: “Cardinal” Scalfari reveals that Benedict is still the Pope! Pope Francis and his long-time friend and interviewer Eugenio Scalfari. Scalfari: Pope Francis denies bodily Resurrection of Jesus January 23, 2020; Pope Francis blesses pagan Pachamama statue in Vatican Gardens December 12, 2019; Pagan “Pachamama” Statue Takes Centerstage in Vatican Synod November 25, 2019; Scalfari: Pope Francis Told Me That Jesus Incarnate Was a “Man … Not at All a God” October 9, 2019 “L’anima del giornale che ho fondato si ispira al liberal-socialismo”: così si è pronunciato con tanto di editoriale domenica 26 aprile 2020 Eugenio Scalfari, [...] Leggi l'articolo completo: Scalfari, sempre dietro la “Repubblica”...→ #Eugenio Scalfari To tell the truth, the entire article was surreal. Bergoglio in fact has now exhausted his pontificate, which is now engulfed and dramatically divisive within the Church itself. Come ricorda il giornalista colombiano Darío Arizmendi, Spirito polemico, grande narratore e uno dei più informati editorialisti economici d'Italia. THESE ARE THE TRUE CATHOLICS MEDIA OUTLETS. Scalfari continues in an enigmatic way: he says that “a situation of this sort has never happened” (it’s true), but then he cites three names of popes as precedents (unless he is alluding to those of the Western Schism, and then this is a signal that it’s not flour from his own sack [Translator’s Note: i.e., that Scalfari’s material is being given to him by someone else]. At the age of 96, Eugenio Scalfari continues to bestow his pearls of wisdom upon humanity. 4 aggiornamenti sono stati effettuati durante l'ultimo minuto. Since the Holy See has not seriously denied Scalfari's claims … Is it an encrypted message? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. At the age of 96, Eugenio Scalfari continues to bestow his pearls of wisdom upon humanity. After he declared on November 20, why Pope Francis should be defended and Francis picked up the phone to thank the left doyen of Italian journalism, Scalfari now seemed to be reading the diarchy between Benedict and Francis in an entirely new way.. The 2020 Vatican Nativity Scene is Weaponized Ugliness; Allegations Against Fr. Content Cent’anni fa, a Livorno, nasceva il Partito comunista italiano: grande protagonista della vita politica fino al 1989, quando arrivò la “svolta” di Achille Occhetto. New CCP Government in USA cancels biggest CCP Space Rival, Member of Order founded by Monster Pedo is hunting for Br. Bill Gates is aiming to own everything and everyone, Pfizer & Moderna Vaccines causing rare lethal Blood Disorder, And the False Prophet taught all to adore the Beast. Scalfari even writes that “all the decisions of the highest importance that Popes can take will be and should be agreed to and actuated by both together.” But this has never happened in these eight years, and it would signify a shared papacy, a novelty of epochal importance. Un modo per rileggere la storia e guardare al futuro, Content Che cosa ci distingue dagli angeli? -- This list is not complete! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. CREDITS: Featured Image is CCASA 2.0 by Francesca Marchi / International Journalism Festival, source here. Aveva 88 anni, Divisione Stampa Nazionale — GEDI Gruppo Editoriale S.p.A. - P.Iva 00906801006, sez. Instead, these are a few memories and ruminations stitched together by the nonagenarian atheist and former newspaper editor. It’s difficult to make heads or tails of anything in the midst of such confusion. Even “the great issues of humanity” on which, according to Scalfari, they supposedly agree, are not clarified, because they simply do not exist. Come siamo cambiati dal 2000 a oggi e come è cambiata la Puglia in questo ventennio, Il 2020 è l’anno del nostro ventesimo compleanno. Learn how your comment data is processed. Perhaps hes thinking of retiring, and we will have 3 popes, hence the reference to the Trinity. Dal Pci a Craxi: la storia nell’archivio di un giornale, Eugenio Scalfari. Draghi vuole l’Italia servire all’Euro non al suo popolo, Father Gruner: Benedict did not resign the Papacy, Long term use of Medical Masks may contribute to Lung Cancer, Vatican gives second dose of lethal Vaccine to Pope Benedict XVI, GOP in US House votes to keep back-stabbing globalist Cheney, Academics uncover link between Lavender Mafia and Pedo networks. What is happening inside the Vatican? The usual, odd, literary evocation? Ecco perché non possiamo fare a meno di smettere di interrogarci, Professori, economisti, storici, politici, architetti e scrittori così immaginano il domani della città. From Rome ^ | December 7, 2020 | Antonio Socci Posted on 12/08/2020 6:56:31 PM PST by ebb tide. Scalfari reports confusedly on strategies that he has heard talk of, and he refers to the prince of Salina, the protagonist of [Tomasi di Lampedusa’s novel] Il Gattopardo,” which seemed pertinent to him. Or in Bergoglian circles is there such a great fear of Benedict, whom an ever-greater number of believers sees as the “true pope” and the true lighthouse? I do not know if Scalfari realizes the theological complexity of the argument he enunciates and what a canonical mess it implies, but certainly it is significant if this concept comes from his conversations with Bergoglio. (Lungo, ma l’argomento è vasto e complicato). Eugenio Scalfari “per Papa Francescoi Dio è unico e non cristiano, c'è un'unica religione mondiale. Robinson Venti idee per il futuro Professori, economisti, storici, politici, architetti e scrittori così immaginano il domani della città. New Draghi Government in Italy, planned by Bilderbergers in 2019. Bugnolo in a great work of mercy for them, by visiting Ordo-Militaris.US and becoming a member of the Catholic Military Order, dedicated to their defense and assistance! Per merito di chi? — A Forensic Investigation, Part VII. Andata in porto anche grazie alla saggezza del futuro presidente, come dimostra una sua lettera di allora, Il direttore duella con Eco, sfida Berlinguer, si sfoga con Bocca e mette in guardia Moravia. First published by Libero, 6 December 2020, Original Title: Antonio Socci: “Cardinal” Scalfari “Reveals” that Benedict XVI is the Still Pope. 4 Nov 20, 2020 Scalfari: Francis' Goal Is One World Religion Francis has often said to the Italian atheist Eugenio Scalfari, 96, that he wanted to end “conflicts” between Catholics and Protestants and make the differences between them "bearable." Con “Parola di Duce” analizzò il lessico fascista, Giornalista e critico letterario, era stato tra i pionieri di Repubblica nel 1976. Eugenio Scalfari, Self: Frontline. Ann Catherine Emmerich (Italian), Is Benedict still the Pope? Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Repubblica primo sogno – Il documentario, “La Repubblica” di Gabriel García Márquez, Morto Peppino Turani, il giornalista che dava del tu alla finanza, Christian De Sica: "A settant'anni sono il numero uno, come mi ha insegnato papà", La sfida dei prossimi 20 anni: il nostro sito diventa iperlocale, Dalla fede alla fiducia: Francesco più popolare della sua Chiesa, L'Irpinia 40 anni dopo: un terremoto anche politico, "La grande corsa": con Repubblica il libro per scoprire il voto americano, L'umana specie vestita di azzurro: la riflessione di Eugenio Scalfari, Da Condò a Scavo, i 6 vincitori del premiolino di giornalismo, E' morto Enzo Golino, l'intellettuale militante. Il notiziario viene creato dal nostro algoritmo di classificazione automatica di testi con le ultimissime novità dai quotidiani e le agenzie di stampa online italiane. The headline is provocative, but not wrong. The article is accompanied by a photo of the two pontiffs at the consistory, but, apart from that photo (which does not mean anything other than a reciprocal courtesy), it is not clear what “confirmation” there was (and where and when) of an “intellectual agreement” since the pontificates of Benedict XVI and Pope Bergoglio are on diametrically opposed tracks, and also the pronouncements of Ratzinger, as pope emeritus, all follow the Catholic line of his pontificate and the pontificate of John Paul II: the polar opposite of the declarations and actions of Bergoglio. VIDEO: The Life of Bl. USA: Catholics, we have a duty now, to God and country! Rather, I refer to the latest tête à tête between Pope Francis and Eugenio Scalfari, the nonagenarian founder and patriarch of the left-wing Italian newspaper, La Repubblica. — Joan of Arc has shown us the way! South Dakota: No Masks, No Lockdowns, No Distancing = Virus GONE! Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Scalfari adds that “today we can almost imagine the presence of two Popes who succeed in facing the great themes of humanity together.” Then he focuses on the theme of the Trinity, with an exhilarating finale about “diverse religions” for which “Francis and Ratzinger will share the task of having contacts.” The examples? Nearly all Catholic websites and blogs have fallen under this narrative control. Il direttore del Fatto Quotidiano e il fondatore di Repubblica si confrontano sull'attualità politica At their latest conversation, on January 14, 2020, Pope Francis is reported to have told his friend Eugenio Scalfari: “I am driven, as you know, because we have spoken about it several times, from the desire for the active survival of our church to adapt our collective spirit to modern civil society. In occasione del 96esimo compleanno, Eugenio Scalfari apre le porte del suo “Grand Hotel” e ci invita a goderci il racconto di una vita appassionata, dai tempi del fascismo alla guerra, dal giornalismo agli amori, alle amicizie, alla politica, con particolari mai rivelati finora. In promozione con Repubblica Milano il libro con gli articoli che il famoso giornalista ha scritto dal 1976 al 2011. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Nel bene e nel male, è stato protagonista della storia italiana del Novecento. Yesterday however he avoided his usual finale about the sun and, after writing about the relationship between Benedict XVI and Pope Bergoglio he ended with a surprise: “This is the future, and let’s not forget the elementary particles that revolve around the prince of Salina. It was only slightly dampened because of the Corona paralysis in public life. — A Forensic Investigation, Part I, Father James Blount claims mystical visions of Great Darkness. SCALFARI “PER IL PAPA DIO NON È CRISTIANO”/ “Va difeso nella sua battaglia” Pubblicazione: 20.11.2020 Ultimo aggiornamento: 12:06 - Niccolò Magnani Per Eugenio Scalfari il Papa non ha nemici perché gesuita: “per Francesco Dio è unico e non cristiano, c’è un’unica religione mondiale. In fact, in his writing that ranges from philosophy to literature, from politics to theology, he often ends his columns with a note of alarm that “the Sun – our guiding star – is getting old,” and even if “it will take millennia before we see a darkened sun” he, Scalfari, is worried. Apparently he thinks he will be present at the unpleasant event and is already thinking about what he will do. However, given the personal relationship that Scalfari boasts of having with Pope Bergoglio (who at times seems to use their conversations to send messages about his highly advanced doctrinal positions), this piece is quite curious, also because Repubblica served it up on the front page with a very promising headline: “That understanding between the two Popes on the great themes of humanity.”, Scalfari opens solemnly: “In these hours an intellectual agreement is being confirmed of great interest in the Catholic Church and not only there. A Handbook for Catholic Laity on how to convert clergy back to Allegiance to Pope Benedict XVI: step by step procedures, advice on what and what not to do. At the age of 96, Eugenio Scalfari continues to bestow his pearls of wisdom upon humanity. “Ma avete capito il valore civile del nuovo quotidiano?”, Content ll 14 gennaio del 1976 usciva il primo numero di “Repubblica”. Catholics in the USA! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. — A Forensic Investigation, Part V, Davo ha pianificato la schiavitù mondale per 2030. Antonio Socci: “Cardinal” Scalfari reveals that Benedict is still the Pope! Alexis Bugnolo’s Apostolates like FromRome.Info -- If you would like to donate more than $10.00 USD, simply increase the Quantity below from 1 to a higher number. Make a Donation to Save Old St. Mary's Inc., a US non profit which supports Br. Come al solito va presa con le molle, ma stavolta i due hanno parlato soprattutto di argomenti innocui. And it appears that he wants to continue for a long time, because he is worried that the sun is going to burn out in less than 5 billion years. A quick working translation of the latest article “interview” article by Eugenio Scalfari in La Repubblica. Eugenio Scalfari’s latest ... 2020) and The Rigging of a Vatican Synod? Is it plausible that he is deluding himself with the idea of relegitimizing it in the coming months using the authority of Benedict XVI? He has been married to Giuliana Rossetti since August … Since the news broke early this week that the nonegenarian atheist socialist editor of Italy’s La Repubblica, Eugenio Scalfari, claimed that Pope Francis told him during one of their many conversations that he did not believe Jesus was God, the Catholic commentariat has been engaged in a rhetorical battle to the death over who to believe, whether it’s true, and what it all means. COMPITI PER IL PENSIERO. giovedì 16 Gennaio 2020; C’è una nuova “intervista” di Eugenio Scalfari col Papa. Benedict XVI is still the pope, not emeritus! Greta Thunberg explosed as Rothschilds’ Schill, Anti-EU Parties betray Italy to EU Servant Draghi, USA: Christian Patriots must rebel against Marxist Dictatorship, Is Benedict still the Pope? Chronology of Reports on "Team Bergoglio", Join the League of Prayer for Pope Benedict XVI, To Join a Media Counter-Revolution, at FromRome.Info CLICK HERE. We hope well.”, What does that have to do with anything? Ma è anche l’anno in cui il nostro sito ha conosciuto alcuni profondi cambiamenti che sono coincisi con un aumento esponenziale degli utenti unici: la svolta digitale sta entrando nel vivo, Content Bergoglio raccoglie il consenso di sette italiani su dieci. ( Log Out /  Clamorous errors in the Latin of Benedict’s “Renunciation”, Definitive Canonical Study of the Renunication of Pope Benedict: Spanish, To defend Vaccine Industry, Facebook announces massive Purge, It was secular liberalism which gave birth to Adolf Hitler, GOP abandons 85% of rank & file, in rejecting MAGA movement. ( Log Out /  — A Forensic Investigation, Part II, Archbishop Viganò is getting there, little by little, The Influenza has disappeared? — A Forensic Investigation, Part IV, Time Magazine admits Conspiracy to throw U.S. Election, Viganò should not ignore the precedent of the Synod of Sutri, Submission to the Scamdemic is a consequence of rejecting Jesus Christ, Why Saint Alphonsus dei Liguori would say Benedict’s Renunciation was invalid, Is Benedict still the Pope? Si era dedicato alla poesia e alla storia della lingua. Make a donation to Save Old St. Mary’s Inc., a non profit which is supporting Br. “Think of the Waldensians, the Chinese, the Russians, the Irish, the Turks (are the “Irish” or the “Chinese” supposed to be religions?). Per la festa dei 45 anni pubblichiamo il documentario dedicato a Eugenio Scalfari, con una lunga intervista al fondatore del quotidiano e tanti materiali audiovisivi inediti dall’archivio del giornale, Content Il nostro giornale compie 45 anni e per questo gli dedichiamo Robinson. (Rome) Eugenio Scalfari did it again. View the profiles of people named Eugenio Scalfari. Note Scalfari is not referring to a recent encounter with the Pope. — A Forensic Investigation, Part VI. Content Gentile Augias, il 21 gennaio è il centenario della nascita del Partito Comunista d'Italia, come si chiamò dopo la scissione di Livorno. La sua fama, scesa dall’82% del 2016 al 72% del 2018, è in netta ripresa. Questo è il bollettino di oggi 4 febbraio 2021 per Eugenio Scalfari. La cerimonia di premiazione si terrà tra un mese esatto, il 23 ottobre, al Teatro La Scala di Milano, Content Il giornalista e scrittore è morto a 88 anni. Change ). Enter your email address to follow From Rome and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join Facebook to connect with Eugenio Scalfari and others you may know. For this reason, the FROM ROME BLOG consideres it important to LET YOU KNOW which are the sites which ARE NOT CONTROLLED by the Lavender Mafia. More Proof that Benedict was imprisoned by Masonic Alliance, Faith in the Most Blessed Sacrament leads to recognition of Benedict XVI as the Pope, Benedict’s End Game is to save the Church from Freemasonry, Conferenza per 449° Anniversario della Battaglia di Lepanto, Is Benedict still the Pope? Because it confirms that with his (mysterious) “step to the side,” Benedict XVI did not renounce the “Petrine munus,” and this opens enormous questions about what the current situation of the Church and the Pope is. Antonio Socci: “Cardinal” Scalfari reveals that Benedict is still the Pope! But what does he mean by “elementary particles?” Is this an allusion to indivisibility? Francesca Marchi / International Journalism Festival, Chronology of Reports on “Team Bergoglio”, Lindell's Documentary, Absolute Proof Trump won the election, Dr Lee Merit: The Vaxx is preparing the world for a MASS DEATH EVENT, UK Govt. He is assertive, but he does not mention any public facts. First published by Libero, 6 December 2020. Bugnolo's Apostolic work. Repubblica Bologna fa 40 anni: un libro in regalo, La politica, la giustizia e la grande nevicata: la Milano di Giorgio Bocca, 35 anni di racconti diventati storia, L’irresistibile fascino del Pci su noi giovani d’allora, I documenti. Since February 11, 2013 there has been a concerted effort by clergy in the Lavender Mafia to controll the narrative by means of putting guilt trips on Catholics who report the truth of what is going on. Francis made an initial allusion to the schism in 2017, but in 2020 this fear took on a new quality. di EUGENIO SCALFARI rep 21 ottobre 2020 sez. Eight Christians are murdered each day for their Faith, but few hear their cries for help. Tra i suoi estimatori il grande scrittore, che provò a esportarne il modello in Sudamerica. It is an agreement between two Pontiffs: Pope Francis and Pope Ratzinger.”. — A Forensic Investigation, Part III, Corporate America now hunting opponents of Usurpation, Sgarbi bows to the Bilderberger elected: Mario Draghi, Lindell’s Documentary, Absolute Proof Trump won the election, Former CIA Official: Trump supporters should be hunted down like Terrorists, Amodeo descrive come i Bancari massonici sono dietro Draghi, The Masonic Conspiracy which launched World War I & the NWO, $125 Million Dollar Lawsuit filed against American Seminary at Rome, Is Benedict still the Pope? USA: The Republic is over, its Marxist Dictatorship or Rebellion! Bugnolo, North & South Dakota begin process of Nullification of DC power, WallStreetBets exposed that the NYSE is run by Organized Criminals, Is Benedict still the Pope? Eugenio Scalfari was born on April 6, 1924 in Civitavecchia, Lazio, Italy.