Clothes must have a natural shape.”. Most women dress for men and want to be admired. ', and 'It’s probably not just by chance that I’m alone. Chanel had a tough time in Aubazine, as it was a demanding place, and thus she fled from there to boarding house for Catholic girls in the town of Moulins. School vacations were spent with relatives in the provincial capital, where female relatives taught Coco to sew. The thin strap – enabling hands to be kept free. Spent seven years in an orphanage, where she learned the trade of a Seamstress. Biographie courte de Coco Chanel - Gabrielle Chasnel (alias Coco Chanel), née à Saumur le 19 août 1883, accomplit des premiers pas difficiles dans la vie. Née pauvre et abandonnée, Gabrielle Chanel devient la pretresse de la mode. The wearing together of junk and real jewels. He demands absolute freedom. Après avoi… “Fashion has become a joke. Significant items of clothing Coco Chanel helped pioneer included: In 1938, she retired from the fashion business. She prided herself on her great taste, fashion and practicality combined with an awareness of what people wanted. However, 16 years later, she made a determined comeback after becoming fed up with seeing French fashion become dominated by men. However, in 1954, she returned to Paris and reopened her couture house. Her post-war label was successful in America and Britain, but less so in France. It enabled wealthy people to keep their expensive jewellery at home. By 1919, she was registered as a couturiere and established her maison de couture at 31 rue Cambon. Some sources suggest that Winston Churchill directly intervened to make sure Chanel was released – Churchill was possibly worried that if sent to trial, Chanel would embarrass the government with her links to top-ranking Nazi’s and sympathisers in the British establishment. Life in the religious institution was strict and frugal, but she did learn to sew and gain a rudimentary knowledge of creating clothes. Rich and famous women once again adopted the Chanel look, and she had shown her lasting influence on the industry. With her trademark suits and little black dresses, fashion designer Coco Chanel created timeless designs that are still popular today. I was sensitive and very dumb.”, – Coco Chanel: Her Life, Her Secrets (1971), p. 95. She also introduced trousers and suits for women – something which had not been done before. KARL LAGERFELD. Chanel pers sa mère à l'age de 12 ans. “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.”. During the German occupation of Paris, Chanel was involved in a romantic liaison with a German officer, Hans Gunther von Dincklage. During the 1920s, in particular, Coco Chanel left a lasting mark on women’s fashion and design. By 1919, Chanel was able to open her first boutique in Paris on 31 rue Cambon, at the heart of the most fashionable area of Paris. She quickly gained a rising reputation for being on the forefront of fashion, and her initial success encouraged her to start another shop in Biarritz which prospered as a venue for the wealthy during the First World War. Lagerfeld brought life back into the company, making it a huge success by revamping its ready-to-wear fashion line. This enabled Chanel to become acquainted with many wealthy aristocrats and a different social circle. Son vrai prénom est Gabrielle Chanel. In 1913, with financial aid from a lover Arthur Capel, Chanel opened a boutique selling fashionable clothes in Deauville. Issu d'une ligné de marchand forain. Blog de profs IEF COCO CHANEL Biographie Gabrielle « Coco » Chanel est née à Saumur en 1883. It was this that made her the most recognisable name in world fashion. Chanel also claimed that when her mother died, her father sent her off two mean cold-hearted aunts but in reality she was sent to Aubazine, a home for orphaned and abandoned girls. She developed a new kind of jewellery which imitated much more expensive jewellery. Coco Chanel: The Illustrated World of a Fashion Icon, Coco Chanel: The Illustrated World of a Fashion Icon – Amazon, Coco Chanel: The Legend and the life – Amazon. The designers have forgotten that there are women inside the dresses. “In 1919 I woke up famous. Chanel and her work can be best described in her own words ‘Fashion fades, only style remains’. Fille de Jeanne Devolle et d’Albert Chanel, Gabrielle nait le 19 août 1883 à Saumur, deuxième de trois sœurs. S'il fallait d'un mot résumer la vie de celle qui, entre intuitions et rébellions, aura été l' «ange exterminateur d'un style XIXe siècle» (Paul Morand), le terme serait double. Includes; Cleopatra, Princess Diana, Marie Curie, Queen Victoria, and Joan of Arc. Elle est la fille d'Albert Chanel, un camelot originaire du Gard et de Jeanne Devolle, couturière originaire de Courpière, tous deux établis à Saumur. Citation: Pettinger, Tejvan. She had the whole building of 31 rue Cambon in one of the most fashionable districts of Paris. Chanel’s father Albert Chanel was a rambling street vendor who peddled work clothes and undergarments for a living. Travail, âpreté, rigueur, extravagance, indépendance. Coco Chanel Biography. The nuns taught Coco everything she knew about sewing and making clothes. Chanel is the only fashion designer who features on Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Famous French – A list of famous French men and women. In September 1944, Chanel was interrogated by the Free French Purge Committee, the épuration. Coco Chanel, byname of Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, (born August 19, 1883, Saumur, France—died January 10, 1971, Paris), French fashion designer who ruled Parisian haute couture for almost six decades. Leggi la biografia di Coco Chanel, la stilista francese che ha cambiato la storia della moda e il modo in cui si vestono le donne e ci ha lasciato frasi celebri e indimenticabili. When Capel died in a car accident, in 1919, Chanel was shattered. The 1920s were a significant period of liberation for women. Promoteur de la minijupe et du pantalon pour les femmes, dès le début des années 1960 il crée une mode fonctionnelle, architecturée, symbole de son époque, et qui inspirera à la suite de nombreux stylistes par ses formes géométriques et l'omniprésence du blanc. This became Chanel’s fashion trademark. Orpheline à 12 ans, elle a grandi dans un ophelinat avec ses sœus. Combined with her political beliefs which expressed anti-Semitism and sympathy for various aspects of the German cause, Chanel’s wartime record has been placed under much scrutiny. Many Frenchmen continued to hold her war record against her. Sa mère meurt de la tuberculose alors qu’elle a douze ans et son père abandonne ses trois filles qui se retrouvent à l’orphelinat de l’abbaye cistercienne d’Aubazine (Corrèze). 18 avr. She was released due to lack of evidence. Elle a eu une enfance très pauvre. Double, comme les fracas de la gloire qui entoureront cette reine de l'Allure et le bruit sourd de son destin d'amazone solitaire. Women who changed the world – Famous women who changed the world. She did a lot of sewing sewing in the six years that she stayed in Aubazine which earned her a job as a seamstress. Elle a appris la couture Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel (19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971), “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. She introduced a range of casual clothes and sportswear. In the climate of post-war interrogations, Chanel moved to Switzerland where she resided until 1954. Coco Chanel was a renowned French fashion designer who founded the fashion brand ‘Chanel’. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” – Coco Chanel the bias cut dress – labelled a Ford by one critic because everyone had one. He was arrested for his homosexuality and he was put in prision where he wrote De Profundis. Double, comme le… Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel (19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971) was a French fashion designer. Coco Chanel helped create women’s clothing that was simpler and more practical. 26 Oct. 2009. The plan never succeeded. Coco Chanel was born on the 19th August 1883, in a small city Saumur, France. She began by liberating women from the bondage of the corset and encouraged a casual but elegant range of clothes. When Chanel was 12, she lost her mother to bronchitis and her father put Chanel and other daughters to the convent of Aubazine in Central France. With time Chanel's business empire flourished and by 1935 she employed four thousand people. She also claimed that she was born ten years later to what people actually thought. She gained work as a seamstress and pursued a secondary career singing at cabaret events; however, her singing was not good enough to enable a stage career. She was romantically involved with French ex-cavalry officer Etienne Balsan and became his mistress at the age of 23. Female biographies – A list of 100 famous women from Sappho and Cleopatra to Marilyn Monroe and Angela Merkel. Coco Chanel, biographie d’une icône. At the age of 18, she left the convent and moved to Moulins. First a mistress of a wealthy military officer and then of an English industrialist, Chanel drew on the resources of these patrons in setting up a millinery shop in … The famous ‘Chanel suit’ specially tailored for women encouraged women to pursue their professional goals in style. The legendary concept of the little black dress is often cited as a Chanel’s contribution to the fashion lexicon. ', 'A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. I’d never guessed it. She died on 10 January 1971, aged 87 at the Hotel Ritz, where she had resided for more than 30 years. Egérie de la haute couture et symbole de l'élégance française, Coco Chanel a marqué le monde de la mode avec des créations haute couture, chics et intemporelles. Guarda le traduzioni di ‘Coco Chanel’ in francese. She reopened her couture house in Paris, in 1954. The post-war period saw the emergence of new male designers, such as Christian Dior, who began to eclipse Chanel’s branding. Subsequently Biaritzz did very well for Chanel. In her free time, she used to sing in cabaret frequented by cavalry officers. Gabrielle Chasnel, appelée aussi Coco Chanel ou Mademoiselle Chanel, est une grande couturière française, créatrice de la Maison Chanel. … Coco Chanel ne voulait pas qu'on sache d'où provenait son surnom. The boutique at Deauville became quite successful. Elle y passe six années austères avant d’être confiée aux dames chanoinesses de l’Institut Notre-Dame de Moulins qui lui apprennent la cout… “Despite the work of a dozen biographers … Chanel remains an enigma.”, David Downie, in Paris, Paris: Journey Into the City of Light‎ (2005). She was showered and pampered by his riches in the form of diamonds, pearls and dresses. Emblème d’une certaine modernité vestimentaire, Coco Chanel, en éternelle insoumise, a transgressé les codes stylistiques d’une époque ultra-corsetée pour mieux libérer les femmes. Par Mademoiselle So | 23 avril 2009 | Aucun commentaire. Elle perd sa mère très tôt et, ne connaissant pas son père, grandit dans un orphelinat. Coco Chanel, pseudonimo di Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, è stata una celebre stilista francese, capace con la sua opera di rivoluzionare il concetto di femminilità e di imporsi come figura fondamentale del fashion design e della cultura popolare del XX secolo. “With a black sweater and 10 rows of pearls Chanel revolutionized fashion”. In libreria, edita White Star Libri la biografia illustrata "Coco Chanel. In the post-war period, she felt the need for a revolution in women’s clothes. If I’d known I was famous, I’d have stolen away and wept. During the World War II, she was accused of being a Nazi spy. She was a founder of the House of Chanel. Chanel never married or had children. She made innovative use of jersey fabric – a manufactured cloth which proved useful during the shortages of the First World War. Aloud. She also was quite a party animal and had wide network of people with whom she socialised, built connections and did business. But they must also be able to move, to get into a car without bursting their seams! Her mother Eugenie Jeanne Devolle was a laundry woman in the Charity hospital run by the Sisters of Providence in Saumur, France. Foto e frasi famose. It was Captain Arthur Edward Capel, her love affair, who was instrumental in helping Chanel set-up her first shop. Icona della moda, Karl Lagerfeld era famoso in tutto il mondo per un approccio allo stile innovativo e caratteristico, grande fonte di ispirazione. Une dame généreuse et mesquine à la fois, adorant critiquer ses amis et les couvrant de cadeaux somptueux. Many biographers have said that Coco Chanel remains an enigma – a life full of contradiction and hard to ascertain her real motives. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. At the start of the Second World War in 1939, Chanel closed her shops, stating that war was not a time for fashion. BIOGRAFIA. In 1906, she went to the spa resort town of Vichy and tried her best to become a stage performer but soon realized that a stage career was not her cup of tea and thus she returned to Moulins. Toute l'existence de cette reine de l'Allure oscille entre les éclats du succès, ses amours de haute volée et le bruit sourd de son destin solitaire. Coco Chanel was a leading French modernist designer, whose patterns of simplicity and style revolutionised women’s clothing. 2017 - Découvrez le tableau "Coco Chanel" de Polyn LG sur Pinterest. I was supposed to be intelligent. In losing Capel, ‘I lost everything. Most sources suggest Gabrielle Chanel was born in 1883, though this was a closely guarded fact – with Coco not keen on revealing her birth date. The design of Chanel’s signature scent ‘Chanel 5’ drew inspiration from knick-knacks carried by Capel. I was stupid. Snce life was meant for pleasure, beautiful book, clothes. During this time she made her stage debut singing at a cafe concert in a Moulins pavilion, La Rotonde and she acquired the name ‘Coco’, because of the two songs she sang which she became identified, "Ko Ko Ri Ko", and "Qui qu'a vu Coco", or it was an allusion to the French word for kept woman, cocotte. In Biarritzz, Chanel had a romantic interlude with an aristocrat Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich of Russia. Coco Chanel: ricorrono quest’anno i cinquant’anni dalla morte della celebre stilista. La mère de Coco Chanel meurt à trente-trois ans à peine, épuisée par des grossesses successives, la tuberculose et par le … Other declassified information shows that in 1943/44 Chanel was to be used as a courier for the SS to pursue a separate peace deal with Churchill and the Allies. Updated 1st March 2018. Chanel was born on 19 August 1883 to an unwed mother Eugenie Jeanne Devolle. … André Courrèges, né le 9 mars 1923 à Pau (Basses-Pyrénées), et mort le 7 janvier 2016 à Neuilly-sur-Seine, est un couturier français, fondateur de la maison Courrèges. Later in 1908, Chanel had an affair with Balsan’s friend Captain Arthur Edward Boy Capel. Around 1908, Chanel began an affair with Étienne Balsan, a rich aristocrat. Inspired by this, she opened one such boutique in Biaritzz, in 1915. Elle est la … Like other Chanel creations, it combined beauty, fashion and practicality. She was the only designer to be listed in the Time 100 most influential people of the Twentieth Century. Aged 12, her mother died, and her father sent his three daughters including Gabrielle to a convent in Correze. Up until the First World War, women’s clothing had been quite restrictive and tended to involve full-length skirts which were impractical for many activities. Découvrez la biographie de Coco Chanel, ses photos, vidéos. She did not have a great childhood and grew up with poverty surrounding her. This speaks volumes about what a legendary style and fashion icon she was. Gabrielle Chasnel, dite « Coco Chanel », est une créatrice de mode, modiste et grande couturière française, née le 19 août 1883 à Saumur1 et morte le 10 janvier 1971 à l'hôtel Ritz de Paris. Biographie de Coco Chanel. Her fashion symbolised some of these social and political changes. Sa mère était couturière . It was a decade where women received the vote in several western countries. The dandy is a bourgeois artist who remains a member of his class. This helped her to gain a luxury apartment in the Ritz for the duration of the war. Coco Chanel. She also created her famous Chanel No.5 scent, and this has become a lasting trademark. Chanel created timeless classics and set a high benchmark for the fashion designers to come., Top NBA Players With No Championship Rings, Celebrities Who Look Beautiful Even Without Makeup, The Top 25 Wrestling Announcers Of All Time, The Hottest Male Celebrities With The Best Abs. It was also a time when women were increasingly seen in professions and jobs, previously the reserve of men. Her grave is located in the Bois-de-Vaux Cemetery, Lausanne, Switzerland. Early Life. The iconic Chanel bag, also known as ‘2.55’, name after the date of the bag’s creation (February 1955) made bag more of a style statement and a luxurious product apart from it being a necessity for women. And if … Her first post-war collection was not well received by the critics, but it proved immensely popular with the general public. Chanel was ambitious, determined and hard-working lady whose effort clearly reflected in her work. The founder and namesake of the Chanel brand, she was credited in the post-World War I era with popularizing a sporty, casual chic as the feminine standard of style, replacing the "corseted silhouette" that was dominant beforehand. Gabrielle Bonheur « Coco » Chasnel voit le jour à Saumur en 1883. However, her designs were well received by the British and the Americans. But her new collection wasn’t well received by Parisians as the taint of being a Nazi spy continued to haunt her. Coco went with the nuns and she never got adopted, so she left the orphanage when she was 18 to work at a local tailor shop. During her life, she had numerous relationships with influential men. other designers such as, Elsa Schiaparelli began to make their mark and the beginning of World War II, forced Chanel to close her shops. She was instrumental in breaking the stereotype and liberating woman from the stifling ‘corseted silhouette’ and making the sporty casual chic look not only acceptable but also trendy and very fashionable. In 1913, Chanel with the help of Arthur Capel, who financed her, opened a boutique in Deauville.