And remember to click here to download your template! Get 60+ September Social Media Holiday Ideas – Videos, GIFs and more, in this post. That’s when you’re always scrambling to come up with content to publish at the last minute. NEW 2020 UPDATE! Este calendario anual del 2020 es muy práctico. En coMsentido hemos querido preparar un calendario … International Plastic Bag Free Day & Comic Sans Day #ComicSansDay, World Population Day and Cheer Up the Lonely Day #CheerUpTheLonelyDay. Todo esto, para empezar el año con su calendario editorial de social media… aggiornato: 4 December 2019. Senior Citizens Day #SeniorCitizensDay and Poets Day. National Avocado Day & Mutt Day & Talk in an Elevator Day #TalkInAnElevatorDay (last Friday in July). Etiquetado bajo: 2020, Calendario Community Manager, calendario de contenidos, Calendario … Tener todas las acciones realizadas monitorizadas puede servir para realizar un cambio en la estrategia en caso de que no se estén cumpliendo los … In fact, approximately 78% of Americans say that social media influences their purchasing decisions. Lugar: Talent Garden Madrid, Calle de Juan de Mariana, 15, 28045 Madrid. Porquê usá-lo? 2020 Social Media Content Calendar. flex-direction: column; Jay Baer shares the number one thing you should do with your content … National Fudge Day #NationalFudgeDay & World Sea Turtle Day #WorldSeaTurtleDay. 1. International Day Against Nuclear Tests & Lemon Juice Day, International Day of Charity & World Beard Day, International Literacy Day & National Ampersand Day, Swap Ideas Day & World Suicide Prevention Day, National Video Games Day & National Day of Encouragement. Create an email-based around a social media holiday theme – ie St Patrick's Day or Mother's Day. World Health Day #WorldHealthDay and National Beer Day #NationalBeerDay, International Feng Shui Awareness Day #FenShuiAwarenessDay. How to trace back visits and revenue back to your social media campaigns, Basic best practices to schedule your social media content, How to create a process to stay on top of consistently publishing high-quality content. For example, Hubspot knows a lot of their potential customers hang out on Linkedin, so they are especially active in that channel. Il tuo calendario social 2020 365 giorni di post per i tuoi Social Media.Gestisci le tue pagine in maniera professionale e risparmia tempo e stress con consigli su misura per Te! Prendi il controllo dei tuoi profili social e risparmia ore di tempo e stress con il Calendario Social Media 2020. Macaroon Day #MacaroonDay & National Smile Day. En coMsentido hemos querido preparar un calendario anual para que puedas descargar y/o imprimir y no se te olvide ninguna fecha ni evento importante. Funcionamiento del calendario de Community Manager 2020 El control de las publicaciones es una de las principales tareas y dificultades de un Community Manager. To trace back visits and revenue back to your campaigns, you need to add tracking parameters to the URLs you share on social media. Thank you for being a part of the ClickMinded family! National Chocolate Mousse Day #ChocolateMousseDay & Find a Rainbow Day #FindARainbowDay, National Burrito Day #NationalBurritoDay & Maya Angelou's Birthday #MayaAngelou. Paperclip Day #PaperclipDay & World Heat Awareness Day #HeatAwarenessDay & National Biscuit Day. …you just need to keep people moving to the next stage of the sales funnel. Here's how to pick the right channel for each of your messages. 5 years ago, each social channel had just 1 content type—so this step was easy. Una estrategia de redes sociales creará el puente entre la situación actual de tus redes sociales y el lugar en el que quieres que se encuentren en cinco, diez o doce meses. Utiliza esta plantilla para crear un plan de marketing en las redes sociales que te guiará en tus actividades en línea. El calendario 2020 es generado automáticamente y siempre se puede ver aquí. National Tell a Joke Day #NationalTellAJokeDay & Rollercoaster Day… and National Rum Day in the US. Añadir cada uno de los temas de los que voy a hablar con previsión me ayuda a crear un equilibrio en cuanto a las … Piccole, Medie e Grandi Aziende Freelance Blogger & Influencer Per chi è il Calendario Social? A lot of people get the first step right and fail anyway. Once you’re done here, be sure to check out the ClickMinded social media marketing course for a more detailed overview of how to get more traffic from search engines to your business. The Socially Sorted Elves published this on New Year's Eve (they have a lot of dates to check!) Qualunque Social Media Strategist deve avere un proprio calendario aggiornato: se vuole fare un buon lavoro, oltre alle date utili e specifiche del proprio brand (eventi, lanci di prodotto, promozioni varie) deve conoscere anche le giornate degli eventi nazionali e … Un calendario pensato per i contenuti da condividere sui Social, per tenere sempre il focus sulla tua comunicazione. Calendario Social Media 2020. Bio; Latest Posts; Jamie. A short and straightforward message tells you just enough to understand (not more) and pushes you to a single call-to-action: update the app. For best practices about creating content specifically for social media, check out our free mini-course: Creating World-Class Social Media Content. World Introvert Day #WorldIntrovertDay & Science Fiction Day, World Braille Day #WorldBraille Day and National Trivia Day #NationalTriviaDay, National Cut Your Energy Costs Day #CutYourEnergyCostsDay, National Sticker Day #NationalStickerDay and Clean Off Your Desk Day #CleanOffYourDeskDay, International Hot and Spicy Food Day #HotAndSpicyFoodDay #HotAndSpicyFood #HotAndSpicy and Get to Know Your Customers Day #GettoKnowYourCustomersDay, Ditch New Year's Resolutions Day #DitchNewYearsResolutionsDay, National Gourmet Coffee Day #GourmetCoffee #GourmetCoffeeDay, Martin Luther King Jnr Day #MLKDay and Cheese Lover's Day #CheeseLoversDay #CheeseLoversDay, International Sweatpants Day #InternationalSweatpantsDay, Chocolate Cake Day #ChocolateCakeDay and Community Manager Appreciation Day #CMAD, National Corn Chip Day #CornChipDay & Oprah Winfrey's Birthday, Change Your Password Day #ChangeYourPasswordDay, Groundhog Day – #GroundhogDay & Superbowl LIV 54 – #SBLIV – #Superbowl #SuperbowlSunday, National Football Hangover Day #NationalFootballHangoverDay, National Chocolate Fondue Day #ChocolateFondueDay & World Nutella Day, National Send a Card to a Friend Day #SendACardToAFriendDay & Wear Red Day (US), National Pizza Day #NationalPizzaDay & 92nd Academy Awards, National Cream Cheese Brownie Day #CreamCheeseBrownies, Get Out Your Guitar Day and Inventors Day #InventorsDay, International Darwin Day (Charles Darwin) #InternationalDarwinDay #DarwinDay, Valentine's Day #ValentinesDay & Wear Red Day (Australia), Singles Awareness Day #SinglesAwarenessDay, National Chocolate Mint Day #ChocolateMintDay, National Margarita Day #NatonalMargaritaDay, World Understanding and Peace Day #WorldUnderstandingAndPeaceDay, National Chocolate-Covered Nuts Day #ChocolateCoveredNuts, National Retro Day #RetroDay & National Toast Day (the humble toasted bread!) World Oceans Day #WorldOceansDay & Best Friends Day #BestFriendsDay, National Herb and Spice Day #HerbandSpice. Marketing during social media holidays might have been optional in the past, but today's consumers expect leading brands to to promote topical content throughout the year. The following is a detailed list for each month throughout 2020 (fully updated and ready to go for 2020). They write very openly about their target personas and know exactly what each of them wants and needs: This makes A LOT it easier to create content that’s relevant and interesting to each segment of your aduience. Post category: Social; Ogni buon Social Media Manager deve saper sfruttare al massimo tutti i contenuti da pubblicare sui canali social che gestisce: per questo motivo di seguito trovate tutte le principali date, ricorrenze e anniversari del 2020 che possono stimolarvi a creare contenuti … Calendario CM y Social Media 2020 Una de las partes fundamentales para que tu estrategia de Marketing Digital y Social Media sea todo un éxito es la planificación. Become a Socially Sorted Insider for FREE: Copyright © 2020 | Created by. This Social Media Content Calendar will get your planning started in a good way in 2020! Get 60+ October Social Media Holiday Ideas – Videos, GIFs and more, in this post. Plus, we’ve included the exact template you can use. National Coloring Book Day & International Beer Day. This post will teach you the step-by-step process to create a social media calendar that helps you attract more traffic, leads, and sales from social media. Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition. Which campaigns or posts drive the most traffic, What are social visitors doing after they land on your site, Publishing in the middle of the night when your audience is asleep, Not adjusting your publishing schedule to your audience’s, Include an approval process for the content that will be published, Record the links of every post that goes live. Get 60+ February Social Media Holiday Ideas – Videos, GIFs and more, in this post. National Nurses Day #NationalNursesDay & Tourist Appreciation Day. Get 60+ March Social Media Holiday Ideas – Videos, GIFs and more, in this post. This post will teach you the step-by-step process to create a social media calendar that helps you attract more traffic, leads, and sales from social media. World Lemonade Day and National Radio Day. The problem with UTM-tracked URLs is they don’t look great when you share them on social media. Get 60+ July Social Media Holiday Ideas – Videos, GIFs and more, in this post. Go for Broke Day #GoForBroke & Caramel Day #CaramelDay & Deep Dish Pizza Day #DeepDishPizza. When in doubt, follow an 80 / 15 / 5 split: Here’s an additional resource to help you create content for your sales funnel: At this point, you know when your campaign is going live and where the campaign fits into your sales funnel. Per sfruttare tutti i giorni significativi per il tuo pubblico di destinazione devi avere sempre a portata di mano un calendario … Una guida esaustiva di ogni evento di maggior rilievo nell'universo dei social media, risorsa suprema per chi fa marketing in qualsiasi settore. Each channel is different, and the content you share in each of them should be designed specifically for its characteristics, strengths, and limitations. O E-goi preparou um calendário de marketing para 2021 completamente feito à sua medida. 49. Bonus! 5 de marzo 2020, de 8:00 a 19:00 horas. Social media marketing is a vital element of any business. That’s why you need to balance the content for each stage of the funnel. Ho creato per te il calendario editoriale 2020 con più di 657 contenuti per i tuoi social media … La información se muestra por mes e incluye el número de semana. Giornata mondiale dell’alfabeto Braille 6 […] From Pizza Day to the Academy Awards to Mother's Day to Cinco De Mayo… there's plenty of social media holidays to help you kick off your social media content as we head into 2020. a quick reference guide to social media holidays for each month including some weekly and monthly themes. Calendario social media de Ubiqual abarca desde Enero 2020 hasta Diciembre 2020.⁠ Descargable en formato PDF vectorial y listo para imprimir al tamaño que necesites. Préoccupation envers l’exploitation des données personnelles, hausse massive de l’emploi des commandes vocales… Hootsuite, leader mondial de la gestion des médias sociaux et We Are Social, agence internationale, dévoilent le Digital Report 2020 sur les tendances des social media et du digital du mobile et du e … © 2020 ClickMinded — Digital marketing courses for marketers & entrepreneurs. #LeapDay #LeapYear, Peanut Butter Lovers Day #PeanutButterLovers, International Women's Day #IWD & Daylight Saving (US) #Daylight Saving, National Meatball Day #NationalMeatballDay & National Napping Day #NationalNappingDay. Want to embed this infographic on your own site? Enfasi Design – Web Agency Torino. Want to dive deeper into November Content? Il y a 1 mois par Camille; 2657; J'aime 4; 49. Quando crei un piano editoriale per Facebook e/o per altri social, è importante conoscere in anticipo un elenco delle giornate mondiali in modo da … National Apple Strudel Day #AppleStrudelDay, International Picnic Day #InternationalPicnicDay. Looking for easy, engaging November social media... Donna is a Visual Content Strategist and founder of Socially Sorted, listed by Forbes as a "Top 5 Social Media Blog You Need to Know About in 2019". For example, check out just a few options available on Instagram. LinkedIn is where people make professional connections, so it’s a great channel to attract potential employees. Want to dive deeper into September Content? This step will allow you to track traffic referred by specific social media channels, campaigns, and posts and learn things like: UTM parameters are just pieces of information you append to each URL, which Google Analytics uses to create reports for your campaigns. 8,702 companies use ClickMinded to create powerful, metric-driven social marketing campaigns. Pinterest marketing is an excellent way to drive traffic to your blog or website. Porque é muito massa, porque é útil, porque se integra com o seu Calendário Google, Mac e Outlook e porque … This post will teach you the step-by-step process to create a social media calendar that helps you attract more traffic, leads, and sales from social media. Is it Pizza Day? Have you noticed how hard it is to decide on what to eat when you’re in front of a menu with hundreds of options? If you still want to look at stats, here’s an additional resource to help you schedule your social content: This is perhaps the most crucial step in this whole thing. The following two tabs change content below. Just copy and paste the code below into your own web page! Here are some free resources to help you track the results of your social media campaigns: In this step, you’ll define the specific time when your content will go live. NEW 2020 UPDATE! In general, most businesses will do just fine if they manage to avoid the hype. National Kiss and Make Up Day & National Whiskey Sour Day. Heads up, there’s more to social media marketing than just using the right template. 1 email unique par jour pour booster ta créativité 💌 Le domaine des réseaux sociaux est un milieu qui évolue très vite. Good news … we have fully updated the 12-month infographic with 2020 dates, ready for you to save to Pinterest and refer to over and over. Want to dive deeper into October Content? Women's Entrepreneurship Day & Play Monopoly Day, Dr Who Day (Tardis Day) & Espresso Day & Fibonacci Day. Steve Irwin Day & Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day & National Philanthropy Day & I Love to Write Day. » 6. Porquê usá-lo? Pick the Right Content to Publish. 1 de enero – Día de año nuevo 2020 6 de enero – Día de Reyes o de la Epifanía 7 de enero – Comienzo oficial de las Rebajas 14 de enero – Día Internacional de la Cometa 16 de enero – Día Internacional de la Comida Picante 19 de enero – World Snow Day (WSD) o Día Mundial de la Nieve 20 de enero – Blue Monday 21 de enero – Día Internacional del Pantalón de Chandal 24 de enero – Día del Periodista 25 de enero – Día de la Publicidad 30 de enero – Día Escolar de la Paz y la No Violencia ​​Massively grow any business with digital marketing SOPs. The thousands of blog posts and studies about the “best time to publish on social media” have convinced many people that the reason their social media content is not working is that they haven’t been publishing them at the right time. You have a strategic approach to using a social media calendar to drive more traffic, leads, and sales to your business. Be the first to hear about our latest features, articles, interviews and studies. Calendario 2020 degli eventi per Social Media Manager. Good news … we have fully updated the 12-month infographic with 2020 dates, ready for you to save to Pinterest and refer to over and over. Web Agency a Torino. Podrás usarlo para tu blog, … National Siamese Cat Day #NationalSiameseCatDay & Caramel Popcorn Day & Pillow Fight Day. He feels weird writing about himself in the third person, but admits that it sounds slightly more epic. 60+ January Social Media Holidays – Videos, GIFS and More, 60+ February Social Media Holidays – Videos, GIFs and More, 60+ March Social Media Holidays – Videos, GIFs and More, 60+ April Social Media Holidays – Videos, GIFs and More, 60+ May Social Media Holidays – Videos, GIFs and More, 60+ June Social Media Holidays – Videos, GIFs and More, 60+ July Social Media Holidays – Videos, GIFs and More, 60+ August Social Media Holidays – Videos, GIFs and More, 60+ September Social Media Holidays – Videos, GIFs and More, 60+ October Social Media Holidays – Videos, GIFs and More, 60+ November Social Media Holidays – Videos, GIFs and More, 60+ December Social Media Holidays – Videos, GIFS and More, 9 Cool Black Friday Software Deals for Marketers, 12 Easy Christmas Images for the Holidays + 12 Free Canva Christmas Templates, December Social Media Ideas – Videos, GIFs and More, 60+ November Social Media Ideas – Videos, GIFs and More. Calendario Social Media 2020. Add all 300 holidays to your Google Calendar with one click. Followers, likes, and views won’t help you grow your business. a list of tools to help you create visual content for 2020 social media holidays – using our Social Media Content Calendar. Plan your major campaigns in advance, so you’re not scrambling to come up with new content, Pick the right content to publish that will move your social audience through your sales funnel, Choose the social media channels that will generate the best results for your business, Create world-class social media content that actually gets users engages, Track the results of your content, down to the single-post level, Publish at strategic times that increase the chances of users engaging with your content, Build a process to scale your social media marketing efforts. The first step of filling out your social media calendar is to include the publish date: When it comes to posting on social media, most businesses play defense. ClickMinded social media marketing course, Hootsuite’s List of Weird ‘Holidays’ to Celebrate on Social Media, write very openly about their target personas, Always Up-To-Date Social Media Video Specs Cheat Sheet, Always Up-To-Date Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet, Complete Content Marketing Strategy Guide, Creating World-Class Social Media Content, Perfect UTM Tracking Codes For Google Analytics, The Complete Website Analytics Strategy Guide. > Calendario del Community Manager y Social Media 2020 Yi Min Shum enero 8, 2020 agosto 22, 2020 Calendario , Días festivos , Últimas entradas 10 comentarios Ecco il calendario per Social Media Manager 2020: giornate nazionali, internazionali e mondiali: ideale per per Social Media Manager Giornate ed eventi di Gennaio 1 Gennaio. Want to dive deeper into December Content? Firefly Marketing has developed an easy-to-use 2021 social media content calendar template for you to use in your social media and Google My Business planning. We really like how Lyft uses SMVPs in social media. Click to find the month you need below: The following articles from 2019 are currently being updated for 2020 and will be re-published 1 month ahead of the 1st of each month. The Full 2020 Social Media Holiday Calendar. Create a short video around the social media holiday. A great way to manage your social media content for your business is … That’s why marketing on active channels is a lot like doing SEO. Therefore, keeping your social media organized is essential for optimizing your promotional strategy. The best social media strategies drive traffic, leads, and sales from social channels. Then you can dive deeper into ideas for videos, GIFs and more in these monthly calendar posts. 0. Capodanno – Giornata Mondiale per la Pace 4 Gennaio. Good Friday & National Siblings Day #NationalSiblingsDay & Coachella starts #Coachella #Coachella2020, Easter Saturday & National Pet Day #NationalPetDay, Easter Sunday & International Day of Human Space Flight #InternationalDayofHumanSpaceFlight, National Pecan Day #NationalPecanDay & Dolphin Day #DolphinDay, National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day #PJDay & National High Five Day #HighFiveDay, Velociraptor Awareness Day #VelociraptorAwarenessDay, Boston Marathon Day #BostonMarathon & National Tea Day in the UK, Earth Day #EarthDay & Jelly Bean Day #JellyBeanDay, World Book Day #WorldBookDay & Talk Like Shakespeare Day. Want to dive deeper into February Content? Ecco il calendario per Social Media Manager 2020: giornate nazionali, internazionali e mondiali: ideale per per Social Media Manager Giornate ed eventi di Gennaio 1 Gennaio. Instead, you will focus on optimizing content for each channels’ search engine, so your content can be discovered. This one is for those who think they can participate in several social channels by just publishing the same “title + image + hashtag + link” combo in every channel. On active channels, you don’t necessarily need to publish regularly. You force yourself to be held accountable for sticking to the calendar. Get 60+ December Social Media Holiday Ideas – Videos, GIFs and more, in this post. Want to dive deeper into July Content? National Good Samaritan Day #GoodSamaritanDay #GoodSamaritan & World Sleep Day #WorldSleepDay (held on the Friday before the March Equinox annually), National Freedom of Information Day #FreedomofInformation, National Let's Laugh Day #LetsLaughDay (March 19th Annually), World Storytelling Day #WorldStorytellingDay, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination #RacialDescriminationDay, National Cocktail Day #NationalCocktailDay, Tolkien Reading Day #TolkienReadingDay & Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday #NationalPancakeDay & Waffle Day #WaffleDay, Purple Day #PurpleDay & Nougat Day #NougatDay, World Theatre Day #WorldTheatreDay & National Quirky Song Titles Day, Children's Picture Book Day #ChildrensPictureBooks and National Blackforest Cake Day #BlackForestCake & Earth Hour Day #EarthHour, National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day #MomandPopBusiness, International Transgender Day of Visibility #TransDayofVisibility, April Fools Day #AprilFools & National Walking Day #NationalWalkingDay (1st Wednesday in April). Pour anticiper dès à présent toutes vos campagnes marketing et mettre à jour votre agenda 2020… Risparmiatevi lo stress di pianificare la vostra strategia sui social media per il 2020 con il nostro calendario semplice da seguire. Oh, and you’ll also get ALL the bonuses that came with the 2020 … The 2020 Social Media Holiday Calendar by Jamie Whether it’s International Bubble Bath Day, Pizza Day, or Talk Like a Pirate Day, it seems like almost every day on the internet there will be a day … Where a lot of people fail when using a social media calendar is not at building it for the first time. Definir las metas de redes sociales de tu empresa 2. Lo sai già, vero? National Scavenger Hunt Day #NationalScavengerHuntDay, National Wine Day #NationalWineDay & Memorial Day (US) #MemorialDay. Un buon calendario per i social media manager. for 2020… Plan your campaigns with the 2020 Twitter marketing calendar Twitter is a place for people and brands to connect with what’s happening — and while new conversations are constantly unfolding, there are … Il calendario "Plan The Moment" è lo strumento ideale per chi si occupa di strategie social … It's a leap year in 2020! World Teachers Day & World Habitat Day & Blue Shirt Day (World Day of Bullying Prevention) – 1st Monday in October. Tasty is a great example of a company that creates content people enjoy (quick recipe videos) and achieves a business goal (traffic and sales). Good examples of active channels are Pinterest or YouTube, where users typically go in searching for something in a specific topic. El Calendario Social Media o Community Manager le permite estar al tanto de las festividades, esto es de gran importancia para los consumidores de hoy los cuales esperan que las marcas promuevan contenido de actualidad durante todo el año. Los días feriados funciona bien en las redes sociales y es excelente para el SEO … Il calendario Social Media 2020. Donna speaks about digital and visual content for the marketing and tourism industries internationally. Get 60+ March Social Media Holiday Ideas – Videos, GIFs and more, in this post. Ti segnalo un problema che mi capita: mporto il calendario in Google Calendar e lo vedo correttamente, nel client Calendario del Mac invece tutti gli eventi hanno come … Create images based around the holiday – it could be a quote, meme, saying, tip or image with text overlay. Calendário de Marketing 2020. Porque é cool, porque é útil, porque se integra com o seu Calendário Google e porque foi feito pelos maiores especialistas em automação de marketing deste planeta. Questo 2020 è l’anno giusto per iniziare a lavorare sulla propria comunicazione social … En Cabaní Crea hemos preparado el Calendario del Community Manager de 2020, con todo de eventos y fechas señaladas de este 2020… It's relentless and sometimes you need a little lighthearted content to boost engagement. Hot Tip: use the infographics for quick inspiration (we've included the holidays we like the most on the infographic but you can then dive deeper below with a longer list of social media holidays listed in this post below: Here are a few ways you can use the ideas on the infographic or in the list below: You are only really limited to your imagination when you use the Social Media Content Calendar! Auditar tu estad… Le social media, meilleur ami de la RSE ? SCOPRI DI PIÙ Per chi è il Calendario Social? Vea aquí la versión online de calendario 2020. La creazione di un calendario editoriale per social media è una delle attività più consigliate per avere successo nella gestione e promozione dei social network della tua azienda. But we made it easy for you by narrowing down the options and just listing one of the best social media holidays to celebrate on a particular day in 2020. Calendario CM y Social Media 2020 Una de las partes fundamentales para que tu estrategia de Marketing Digital y Social Media sea todo un éxito es la planificación. Calendario Social Media 2020 para community managers. SproutSocial has some great resources on specs for the most important social media channels: Keep these handy when you’re creating your social content. Get 60+ December Social Media Holiday Ideas – Videos, GIFs and more, in this post. Il calendario Social Media 2020 ti aiuterà a pianificare la tua comunicazione aziendale in base alle giornate ed eventi nazionali e mondiali. Want to dive deeper into May Content?Get 60+ May Social Media Holiday Ideas – Videos, GIFs and more, in this post. National Telephone Day #NationalTelephoneDay & ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand #AnzacDay. Ciao, eroe dei social media! Looking for a great Social Media Content Calendar packed with Social Media Holidays for 2020? Una videolezione su come eseguire in pratica il tuo piano editoriale. I'm always sharing about unusual days of celebration (and popular ones) so in 2020 I wanted to share some of my favorites with you. En coMsentido hemos querido preparar un calendario anual para que puedas descargar y/o imprimir y no se te olvide ninguna fecha ni evento importante. Salesperson Day & National Cocoa Day & National Violin Day, International Monkey Day & Free Shipping Day & Roast Chestnut Day, International Tea Day & Bill of Rights Day, Wright Brothers Day & National Maple Syrup Day, Answer the Telephone like Buddy the Elf Day & International Migrants Day & Bake Cookies Day & Ugly Christmas Sweater Day, National Sangria Day & Underdog Day & Go Caroling Day, Abilities Day & National Cookie Exchange Day, National Eggnog Day & Christmas Eve & Regifting Day, Visit the Zoo Day & National Fruitcake Day, Bacon Day & Falling Needles Family Fest Day. Todo esto, para empezar el año con su calendario editorial de social media … These brands are not on Twitter trying to push their products in every chance they get. The following lists are not exhaustive, as there are multiple holidays for every day of the year. You won't have to scroll through a massive graphic to find content ideas! Loomly is a social media content management tool that lets you organise your posting schedule effectively in the form… Mistake #2: Treating all social channels in the same way. National Chocolate Chip Day & National Light Out, National Oyster Day & National Underwear Day, National Speakers Day & Lighthouse Day & International Beer Day, National Book Lovers Day and International Day of the World's Indigenous People, National Sons and Daughters Day & National Hip Hop Day.