Two weeks before the regional election, Fitto left the European People's Party Group in the European Parliament in order to join the European Conservatives and Reformists. “E’ chiaro a tutti che se la maggioranza si rompesse su un tema così strategico il governo non durerebbe un giorno in più – evidenzia il leader di Forza Italia -. [107] When FI's predecessors were in power, they restricted the legislation on the matter, with the Fini-Giovanardi law. The electoral results of Forza Italia in the 10 most populated Regions of Italy are shown in the table below. Berlusconi fa la sua scelta", "Salvini a Firenze: "Pronto a fare il leader del centrodestra" -", "Centrodestra: Berlusconi scarica Parisi, non può avere un ruolo se in contrasto con Salvini - Politica", "Berlusconi scarica Parisi: "No a ruoli per lui se resta contrasto con Salvini" La replica di Parisi: "Io vado avanti", "Parisi launches new center-right party - English", "Centrodestra, Parisi lancia il nuovo movimento 'Energie per l'Italia': «Rinnovamento radicale dal basso", "Parisi lancia ŤEnergie per l'Italiať: alternativi a Renzi e Grillo", " - Senato della Repubblica - Variazioni nei Gruppi parlamentari", " - XVII Legislatura - Deputati e Organi Parlamentari - Composizione gruppi Parlamentari", "Governo, si è dimesso ministro Enrico Costa: "Niente ambiguità, "Costa lascia il governo Via al partito centrista che nasce contro Alfano", "Berlusconi accoglie i centristi. After this disappointing electoral performance the cabinet was reshuffled, due to the insistence of the Union of Christian and Centre Democrats's leaders, and Berlusconi formed his third cabinet. [111] The party is a member of the Europeanist, centre-right European People's Party (EPP). Combined result of Forza Italia (17.8%) and, traditional social teaching of the Church, List of Forza Italia leading members by political origin,,, "Social Sciences - Full record details for Forza Italia",,,,, "Forza Italia si scioglie, ora è Pdl Berlusconi: "Dal '94 nulla è cambiato" - Corriere della Sera",,, "Sky tg24 - Tutte le notizie in formato video",, ""Oggi nasce il partito del popolo italiano". Sondaggi, Forza Italia vola: Silvio Berlusconi sfiora l'8% . [99] The majority of its members voted against civil unions, whereas the NCD voted in favour. The name is not usually translated into English:, Since 2018 Lega Nord has filed electoral lists as, 2013 Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol provincial elections, "Silvio rialza la bandiera liberale e liberista", "Chi sono i populisti? [73] In the context of a more united centre-right, Costa might form the "fourth leg" of the coalition, after the LN, FI and the FdI, by uniting other AP splinters, DI, F!, Identity and Action (IdeA), the Italian Liberal Party (PLI), the Union of the Centre (UdC), and the Pensioners' Party (PP),[74][75][76] all variously affiliated with FI and the centre-right. Forza Italia Silvio Berlusconi, the leader of Forza Italia, is currently appealing a ban on holding public office as a result of a 2013 tax fraud conviction, but since a verdict is not due until 2019, he cannot run for Prime Minister on this occasion. The manner and the timing of its entry into the political arena were totally exceptional. The party usually gave to its members freedom of conscience on moral issues (and hence a free vote), as in the case of the referendum on stem-cell research,[36] but leading members of the party, including Silvio Berlusconi,[37] Giulio Tremonti and Marcello Pera[38] (who is himself non-Catholic, although friend of Pope Benedict XVI), spoke in favour of "abstention" (as asked by the Catholic Church,[39] in order to not surpass the 50% of turnout needed for making the referendum legally binding). Between 1996 and 1998, the party started to strengthen its organization, under Claudio Scajola, a former Christian Democrat who was national coordinator of the party from 1996 to 2001. For the defunct political party active between 1994 and 2009, see, 2019 EP election and internal developments. A former topless model who was once appointed equal opportunities minister by Silvio Berlusconi is challenging the former prime minister for control of his political party, Forza Italia.Mara Carfagna English Articles. The president can nominate prime … [20] The day before a group of dissidents (mainly Christian democrats), led by Berlusconi's former protégé Angelino Alfano, had broken away by announcing the foundation of the alternative New Centre-Right (NCD). It aims at representing business owners' interests. [86][87], On social issues, most FI politicians are conservative, even though a minority of them can be considered liberal. Five years of opposition (1996–2001) Edit [17] Finally, on 8 February, Berlusconi and Fini agreed to form a joint list under the banner of the "The People of Freedom", allied with Lega Nord. [40] Fitto's supporters included Capezzone, Maurizio Bianconi, Rocco Palese, Saverio Romano, Cinzia Bonfrisco, Augusto Minzolini and most Apulian MPs.[41]. di REDAZIONE POLITICA Silvio Berlusconi questa volta si è dovuto piegare alla prova muscolare di Matteo Salvini. In 2019 Toti finally left the party. FI also seeks good relations with Russia, especially in defence of the interests of Italian companies that export to the Russian market. [2], In fact the electoral base of Forza Italia was highly heterogeneous and the ideological differences among its voters are explained also by its different regional constituencies: while voters from the North tended to support the original libertarian line of the party, voters from the South tended to be more statist. [105] It has also declared itself against the introduction of jus soli in Italy. The core values of Forza Italia were "freedom" and the "centrality of the individual". [48] However, Berlusconi and Fitto did not find an agreement on the composition of the slates in Apulia, where the two wings of the party fielded two opposing candidates for president,[49][50][51] and similar problems arose in Tuscany,[52] Verdini's (and Renzi's) home region and stronghold. "Sgarbi is the personality more suitable for Pama, a city that has been designated as the capital of culture for 2020," explains Aimi -. In November 2008 the National Council of the party, presided by Alfredo Biondi, officially ruled on the dissolution of Forza Italia into The People of Freedom,[11] Berlusconi's new political vehicle, whose official took place in early 2009. In the 2006 general election the party was present with a slightly different logo, with the words "Berlusconi President" (Berlusconi Presidente). No need to register, buy now! Find the perfect Forza Italia Party Leader Silvio Berlusconi Campaigns Ahead Of The General Election stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Nei giorni scorsi Forza Italia ha incontrato Giuseppino “Pino” Berti, leader dei Moderati, per ragionare su una sua candidatura a sindaco per le elezioni comunali del 2021 a Pinerolo. [36] As a result of the resentment by the party's old guard, notably including Fitto, on the alleged appointment of Toti also as coordinator-at-large, Berlusconi appointed him merely "political counselor" to the party. [87] One of the main reasons for the split was Toti's support of an alliance with the League and the Brothers of Italy (FdI) at country-level, about which Berlusconi was reticent and Carfagna against. [19], Forza Italia thus presented itself as a bridge between Catholics and non-Catholics, who have been previously divided in the political system of the First Republic, and "the union of three political-cultural areas: that of liberal and popular Catholicism, that of secular, liberal and republican humanism and that of liberal socialism". The party was heavily dependent on Berlusconi's image. The PdL's break-up and the exit of the New Centre-Right (NCD) left FI with a more liberal base. [84], In June Berlusconi appointed Toti and Carfagna national coordinators, with the goal of reforming and relaunching the party. I have in front of me a telegram you sent to Mr Berlusconi, leader of Forza Italia. L’esponente di Leu ha rivolto al leader azzurro gli auguri di una pronta guarigione. Italians started to cast their ballots Sunday morning leading to the election of a prime minister, two days after politicians made their final campaign for the general election. additional speeches by Forza Italia leaders, followed by the elections to the party presidency, the Committee of the Presidency, and the National Council (Consiglio Nazionale). [37][38], In the 2014 European Parliament election FI obtained 16.8% of the vote and 13 MEPs elected, including Toti in the North-West, Tajani (who had first been elected to the European Parliament in 1994) in the Centre and, most notably, Fitto (who garnered more than 180,000 votes in his native Apulia alone) in the South. Il leader di Forza Italia e il mantenimento alla Pascale. One of its latest proposals is the introduction of a flat tax. Lite con Bondi E in Puglia il candidato va con Fitto", "Chiuso l?accordo Lega-Forza Italia con Zaia in Veneto e Toti in Liguria", "Berlusconi-Alfano, intesa in Campania È rottura con Fitto", "In Puglia Berlusconi lancia Poli Bortone: è caos", "Berlusconi fa le liste. Lega e Fdi contro. Regarding the latter issue, generally speaking, northern party members were staunch proposers of political, fiscal federalism and autonomy for the Regions (in some parts of Veneto and Lombardy, it was sometimes difficult to distinguish a member of FI from a leghista), while those coming from the South were more cold on the issue. Fortunately, for want of an alternative candidate, the … Scontri a Verona, il leader di Forza Nuova: «Questo è solo l’antipasto» Luca Castellini, ex ultrà Hellas: «Siamo a fianco delle persone disperate». For our Region this proposal is undoubtedly a huge … [112][113][114] The party refuses the "Eurosceptic" label, while supporting a reform of the EU. The manner and the timing of its entry into the political arena were totally exceptional. New, too, were its organizational structure and political culture. Its leader is Silvio Berlusconi, former Prime Minister of Italy (1994–1995, 2001–2006, 2008–2011). The new FI, announced in June 2013,[14][15] was launched on 18 September[16][17][18][19] and the PdL was formally dissolved into the party on 16 November. Disaffected. In December 1999 Forza Italia gained full membership of the European People's Party,[12] of which Antonio Tajani, party leader in the European Parliament, was Vice President. Forza Italia [3] (Forward Italy, FI) was a liberal-conservative, [4] [5] Christian democratic, [2] and liberal [6] political party in Italy, with a large social democratic minority, [2] that was led by Silvio Berlusconi, four times Prime Minister of Italy.. Luigi Di Maio: l’intervista 03 Dicembre 2020. 2001-2008, "Compendio della Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa",, "Berlusconi, via alle tre riforme "Facciamo una politica di sinistra" - Corriere della Sera",, "Eunomia » Merkel’s CDU Fared Worse Than Expected",,, "Fecondazione, divisi i vertici di Forza Italia",, "Berlusconi: la Margherita venga con noi moderati",, "Pera e la difesa dell' astensione, scontro tra i poli",, "Fecondazione, Ruini chiama all' astensione",, The nature of Forza Italia and the Italian transition, Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity, Italian Democratic Party of Monarchist Unity,, Articles with German-language external links.