This inaugural charter develops eight points to be taken into consideration in the restoration of historical monuments: The concern was for maintaining authenticity in terms of the identification of original materials. At about the same time, John Ruskin, Alvise Piero Zorzi and Tito Vespasiano Paravicini, with their studies, correspondence and public pronouncements, helped to lay the foundation for Boito’s theory. Portal : godišnjak Hrvatskoga restauratorskog zavoda. Visual notoriety of the restoration work done. Restoration works in Naples in the first half of XX century: the contribution of Adolfo Avena, Riccardo Filangieri, Gino Chierici. ; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Department for Art History, zagreb, Croatia Note sulla "Carta del Restauro" di Camillo Boito. //-->. Camillo Boito (Italian pronunciation: ... Conference of Architects and Civil Engineers of Rome in 1883 in a document later to be known as the "Prima Carta del Restauro" or the Charter of Restoration. Tradução: Paulo Mugayar Kuhl – Cotia- SP: Ateliê Editorial, 2014. Veja grátis o arquivo TEÓRICO DO RESTAURO - CAMILLO BOITO enviado para a disciplina de Patrimonio Cultural Categoria: Resumo - 85365530 Boito, who for years reported in Nuova antologia on visual arts, competitions, exhibitions and projects, began in 1879 to discourse on the concepts such as the „surface of the monument“ (superfcie) , its „primary skin“ (pelle di prima), „bark“ (la buccia) and the creation of a „new facsimile“ (nuovo fac-simile). A metodologia do restauro filológico. Exposición de las partes materiales que hayan sido eliminadas en un lugar contiguo al monumento restaurado. The texts mentioned here were published in the journal Nuova antologia between 1871 and 1883. Camillo Boito RESTAURO FILOLOGICO. It was financed by the composer Giuseppe Verdi and serves as a rest home for retired musicians, and as a memorial for the composer, who is buried in the crypt of the chapel there.